Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, "Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
some distributed as plug-ins for many browsers (e.g. Adobe 
SVG Viewer) and some available as stand alone viewers or 
code libraries (SVG and X3D). The overall process of GML map 
making is illustrated in Figure 1. 
Figure 1. Process of GML Web Mapping 
Several Web Mapping products are available since 1997, 
including Intergraph WebMap Server, ESRI Internet Map Server 
(IMS), Autodesk MapGuide and others with lesser impact. 
There are two primary data provision solutions in those products, 
one is Java applets, and the other is browser plug-ins. 
Java applets nice in principle, but slow in practice (still 
optimistic), applets normally downloaded at beginning of each 
site visit, plug-ins allow fast visualization and interaction, but 
require initial download & installation. 
Whether the client side of an Internet mapping solution is thin, 
like a web browser, or thick, like a web enabled desktop product, 
XML and its associated technologies can be used to transfer 
geographic data. The size of the client will determine the 
method used to display the map to the end-user, either via 
Windows graphic calls, Java graphic calls, or possibly a plug-in. 
We developed an ActiveX Control, called GMLViewer for 
publishing GML data on the Web. Layers with map information 
are converted from a GIS Products GeoBeans into GML files. 
After it has download, GML data will be viewed by anyone on 
the Web! The architecture of the sample GML application shows 
in Figure 2. 
Figure 2. Sample Architecture for GML Web Mapping 
The Sample fragment of GML encoded file see as follows: 
<?xml version=”1.0" encoding="gb2312" ?> 
<FeatureCollection typeName="City"> 
<Box srsName="UTM"> 
<coordinates>100,100 500,500</coordinates> 
<featureMember typeName="Point"> 
<Feature typeName-'city" identifier=”0"> 
<property typeName-’ID" type=”!ong">0</property> 
<geometricProperty typeName-'Location"> 
<Point ID="0" srsName="UTM"> 
With GMLViewer, no Internet map servers are required in the 
current version, the core of the GMLViewer are two parts, a 
GML parser based on GML version 1.0 Profile 1 was developed 
to parse GML file, which contains po¡nts^ lines and polygons and 
mixed geometry element also. The GMLViewer makes use of 
Microsoft XML parser to build up a Document Object Model 
(DOM) tree from the received data. An ActiveX Control, 
GeoBeans MapX Generator, is a component of GeoBeans 
Software was used to render the DOM tree to get visualized 
graphic element. GMLViewer also allows browser to view, zoom, 
pan and select the map in client side and provides the functions 
of getting attribute information from GML file. GML1.0 support 
will be integrated totally in the new version of GeoBeans4.0. To 
view the sample application, please visit our web site: 
The Web will be changed qualitatively, not only quantitatively 
during the next few years. The new web will provide better tools 
to manage not only page markup but also recognition and 
organization of page content. The key to the future of IT is 
communication, not PCs. The new web will be a semantic web,

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