Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensionai GIS", Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
A-Xing ZHU 12 Edward ENGLISH 1 
’Department of Geography 
University of Wisconsin 
550 North Park Street 
Madison, Wisconsin 53706 
Tel: (608) 262-0272 
Fax: (608) 265-3991 
Email: axina@aeoqraphv.vvisc.edu 
State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System 
Institute of Geography 
Chinese Academy of Sciences 
Beijing 100101, China 
Keywords: Fuzzy Set, Geographic Information System, Soil Mapping, Expert System, Case-Based Reasoning 
Knowledge of relationships between a given geographic phenomenon and its observable environmental factors is needed for mapping 
geographic phenomena/features which cannot be directly observed, for example, soils, habitat potential. The knowledge is often 
developed through extensive fieldwork which is not only very labor intensive and slow, but also very costly. Methods are needed to 
assist local domain experts to acquire this knowledge efficiently. This paper presents an approach based on fuzzy c-means 
classification to assist the development of local domain experts’ knowledge of the relationships. The method is based on the assumption 
that the observable environmental factors have dominant impact on the distribution of the given geographic phenomenon and that 
unique environmental configurations reflect the unique status or properties of the geographic phenomenon. Under this assumption, 
clusters in the environmental space (parameter space) are directly related to different types (status) of the given phenomenon. We 
employed a fuzzy c-means classification to identify the natural clusters in the environmental space and use the centroids of these fuzzy 
clusters as a guide to allocate field investigation efforts for developing knowledge on relationships between environmental factors and 
the phenomenon to be mapped. Through a soil mapping case study, we found the approach is effective in helping local soil scientists to 
develop their understanding (knowledge) of soil-environmental relationships in areas the local soil experts are not familiar with the 
relationships. The soil map derived using the understandings achieved over 76% accuracy overall, compared to about 60% accuracy 
through the extensive fieldwork. For areas with a good environmental gradient, the accuracy is over 90% while the accuracy for area 
with little relief is about 63%. 
1. Introduction 
Predictive mapping, such as soil mapping and habitat potential 
mapping, uses observable environmental conditions to predict 
the spatial distribution of the geographic phenomenon to be 
mapped. Predictive mapping requires the knowledge of the 
relationships between the phenomenon and the observable 
environmental conditions. This knowledge is often developed 
through extensive fieldwork. For example, with conventional 
soil mapping, extensive field campaign is required for local soil 
scientists to develop the knowledge on how the soils in an 
area are related to the observable environmental conditions 
(such as elevation, slope gradient). Once the understanding of 
relationships has been developed through the campaign, the 
local soil scientists will then delineate the spatial distribution of 
soils based on the knowledge of the relationships and the 
observable environmental conditions. 
Field campaigns for natural resource surveys are often very 
labor intensive, time consuming, and costly. Although field 
scientists may employ statistical sample strategies (such as 
random sampling, regular grid sampling, or stratifying 
sampling), their field efforts may still not be effectively directed 
due to the repeated spatial patterns and the gradation of the 
phenomenon/feature. The layout of field investigation is often 
dependent on the experience of individual field experts. For 
example, some field scientists may be able to avoid transition 
areas and distill the major relationships very quickly while 
others may spend a lot of time in the transitional areas and 
was not able to quickly capture the major relationships. As a 
result, the development of knowledge on the relationships is 
often very slow and the accumulated knowledge is often very 
Methods are needed to assist field scientists to quickly identify 
the key areas for developing the relationships. This paper 
investigates the use of an unsupervised fuzzy classification 
technique to identify areas of unique environmental niches 
from those areas of environmental transition. Using the results 
from the fuzzy classification field investigation efforts are 
directed towards areas of unique environmental niches to 
discover relationships between these niches and the 
geographic phenomena to be mapped. 
The next section of this paper describes our method. Section 3 
shows a case study using this method. Summaries are given 
in Section 4. 
2. Methodology 
2.1 The Basis: 
The underlying assumption behind predictive mapping is that 
there is a relationship between the geographic phenomenon to 
be mapped and its observable environmental conditions. We 
further assume that the unique status of the given geographic 
phenomenon (such as different types of soils) is created under 
unique combinations of environmental conditions. Under this 
assumption, the spatial locations of the geographic 
phenomenon with unique status can be approximated by the 
locations of unique combination of environmental conditions. 
Thus, discovering the relationships between the geographic 
phenomenon and its environmental conditions is a matter of 
finding which unique combination of environmental conditions 
is related to which unique status (types) of the phenomenon. 
Relating unique status of a given geographic phenomenon to 
unique combination of environmental conditions requires field 
investigation. Due to the repetition of spatial patterns and 
graduation of geographic phenomenon, locating the unique 
combination of environmental conditions is still very 
challenging. The efficiency of field investigation can be greatly 
improved if we can first identify the spatial locations of these

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