Full text: Mapping without the sun

M. Dimyat, et al. 1996. an analysis of land use /cover change 
using the combination of MSS Landsat and land use map-a case 
study in yogyakarta, Indonesia. INT. J. Remote Sensing, 
Chen shan, qin qi-ming, 2003. The classification of texture and 
structure in the high resolution imagery based on wavelet 
transform, geography and geo-information science, 19, pp.6- 
9.(in Chinese) 
Zhang Xiaodong. 2005. The theory and methods of change 
detection based on remotely sensed imagery and GIS. Wuhan 
Cui Linli, 2005. Integrative analysis and evaluation of the 
interpretation features in remote sensing image. Institute of 
remote sensing applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 
Gong Yan, 2007. Homogeneous-Region Analysis of Hyper - 
spectral Image Based on HDA and MRF. Wuhan University.

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