InSAR feature information can improve the performance of
SPOT-derived ISP estimation, average error (AE) value
decreased by about 3 percent to 12.93% and correlation
coefficient (R2) value increased from 0.71 to 0.77. In addition,
the results showed the potential of the use of just these InSAR
features in impervious surface mapping. In this paper, InSAR-
derived ISP estimations were comparable to those derived from
SPOT multi-spectral images, although the SPOT-derived ISP
images represented a higher performance.
5000 -I
, iiil
llllllMlIl llll Hi mil
-100 -75
-50 -25 0 25
ISP estimation error
75 100
Figure 7 Error histogram of estimated ISP derived from 3
groups of remote sensing datasets (a) InSAR_3; (b)
SPOT 4; (c) InSAR 3+SPOT 4
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The work in this paper was supported by Competitive
Earmarked Research Grant of the Hong Kong Research Grant
Council (No. CUHK4665/06H) and Social Science and
Education Panel Direct Grant of the Chinese University of
Hong Kong. The first author was grateful to the Chinese
University of Hong Kong for the Postgraduate Research
Scholarship provided.