ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou, China
theory and method of urban planning (Wu, 2001). Later, some
others used the item of digital urban planning in their study
papers or publications, but it was not always the same meaning
(Liu, 2003; Wang, 2003; Yu, 2004; Cui, 2005). Sometimes it
refers to urban planning information system, and some times
refers to urban planning technology.
The following tree points are the conclusions of literature
reviewing. First is that the item of digital urban planning is
related to digital city. Second is that each scholar described one
aspect of the concept of digital urban planning. Third is that
there is no common definition of digital urban planning.
2.2 Definition of Digital Urban Planning
Supported by the Basal Research Fund of Tsinghua University,
the theory and method of digital urban planning were studied.
Based on the literature reviewing and our study on digital city,
tradition urban planning, and digital urban planning, the
definition of digital urban planning was worked out as follows.
Digital Urban Planning is a new kind of urban planning based
on information infrastructure, spatial data infrastructure, and
planning and managing system of digital city. During the
process of digital urban planning, all the basic materials of the
city are digital information. The purpose of digital urban
planning is to determine the development goals, urban land use,
urban spatial pattern, information infrastructure, spatial data
infrastructure, and other integrated construction project of both
realistic city and digital city.
Two key-points need to be considered in the definition of
digital urban planning. One is that digital urban planning is
related to digital city. All the planning process is based on
digital city system, which includes information infrastructure,
spatial data infrastructure, planning and managing system of
digital city. And during the whole planning process, digital
information will be the agent object which makes digital urban
planning is different from traditional urban planning in all the
aspects of technical method application, information processing
procedure, and results expression style. The second key-point
is that the purpose of digital urban planning determines its
contents, which not only include the physical and social
planning related to realistic city, but also include technical and
information planning related to digital city. Therefore, digital
urban planning is really refers to the future urban planning
based on the digital city. And those current urban planning
which use some kinds of technology, such as GIS and CAD,
partially based on digital map, and only for physical planning is
not belong to digital urban planning.
According to the definition of the digital urban planning, the
difference and relationship between current traditional urban
planning and future digital urban planning can be explained as
two sides. The difference is that digital urban planning will pay
more attention to digital city by using digital information and
related analysis model and technical methods. The main
contents of digital urban planning include physical and social
planning, as well as technical and information planning. And
the results will be mostly expressed by digital document, digital
map, and virtual reality model. The relationship is that, similarly
to current traditional urban planning, digital urban planning will
include Master Digital Urban Planning, District Digital Urban
Planning, and Detailed Digital Urban Planning (which includes
Digital Regulatory Plan and Digital Site Plan) based on the
space size of city and planning purpose.
From the definition above, the contents of digital urban
planning can be deduced as two aspects. One is Physical and
Social Planning which is pay more attention to the realistic city,
while the other is Technical and Information Planning which is
mostly concern to digital city (refer to Fig. 1).
Contents of Digital Urban Planning
Aspect I n.
s' Aspect II
/ Physical & Social
\y Technical & Information's
/ Planning
A Planning \
Function Division
Components & Structure |
\ Spatial Pattern
/ System Functions /
\ Physical Infrastructure
\ / Information Infrastructure /
\ Urban Land Use
Y Spatial Database /
Construction Densityy
' \. Management System /
Figure 1. Contents of Digital Urban Planning
3.1 Physical and Social Planning
The contents of physical and social planning of digital urban
planning should not only include the whole contents of current
urban planning based on the “Procedure of Urban Planning"
(The Ministry of China Construction, 1991) and the “Detailed
Implementation Process of Urban Planning ” (The Ministry of
China Construction, 1995), but also need to be expanded
according to the development of digital city.
Taking master digital urban planning as an example, the
physical and social planning contents should include at least six
aspects, such as determining essential character, development
goals, spatial scales, urban land use, spatial distribution, and all
the physical infrastructure of realistic city. Besides that, because
of the development of digital city, some issues related to
material flow, energy flow, population flow, and information
flow need to be taken into account at the same time. The
producing and consuming activities of citizens and the living
and behaviour mode of citizens are all will be changed. And all
the changing will affect the physical and social planning of
digital urban planning, which need to be studied in detail.
3.2 Technical and Information Planning
The contents of technical and information planning are related
to and focused on the digital city. Basically, the technical and
information planning should depend on the existing status and
development trends of digital city. The development of spatial
information technology, computer science, internet technology,
digital communication technology, and database management
technology are all need to be considered during the digital
urban planning process. At one time, the economical strength of
the realistic city and the demands of digital city development
must be taken into account. The master goals, scales, structures,
components, and functions of digital city need to be planed in
general, which include the information infrastructure, spatial
data infrastructure, and many application management system of
digital city. And some of the implementary measures need to be
planed in detail.