Full text: ISPRS Hangzhou 2005 Workshop Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure

ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI (4AA/6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou, China 
rules of urban basic spatial data of upgrading , producing .and 
have researched the sharing technology and sharing 
mechanism . 
The key to the sharing of the urban spatial data is to set up 
information sharing and management platform. Every 
department can use the data platform to ask for the necessary 
data; can release one's own newest data or department's data to 
the data platform too. The platform of information sharing and 
management is in the charge of the administrative center of the 
information resources management. According to authorizing 
various kinds of data using and serving platform (the 
information application system of every department) can visit 
urban space basic data directly , can also receive data package 
which the center of information picks up from database 
according to some need. The information centre offers unitive 
management to the platform of the urban basic space data 
sharing and managing. The sharing frame of the urban spatial 
infrastructure of Ganzhou as Fig. 2 shows. 
Figure 2. The sharing frame of the urban spatial 
infrastructure of Ganzhou 
Under large scale, the framework dataset can describe the 
surface feature and physiognomy information of the natural and 
social shape of city completely (such as building, road, river 
system, green land), managing realm information (unit border 
of administration at all levels, for instance municipal or district, 
sub- district office, important unit circle land and geography 
dividing into area, etc.) and their basic attribute information. 
Here it not only includes various kinds of topographical 
information concerned by the city's surveying and drawing ,but 
also should include managing bourn information etc and basic 
attribute information corresponding to them. The main task of 
the spatial data infrastructure in Ganzhou is: Producing and 
offering the 4D (DRG, DLG, DOM, DEM) products of three 
kinds of basic scales. The basic scale of the map of Ganzhou is 
confirmed as three kinds: 1:10000, 1:1000, 1:500. The 
description of surface features is more macroscopical at 
1:10000, the maps of 1:10000 scale cover the land of Ganzhou , 
mainly used in the macro-management and decision of the city; 
The description of surface features is more detailed at 1:1000, 
covering the planned urban area of Ganzhou , is mainly used in 
the daily planning management in the city; The description of 
surface features is the most detailed at 1:500, covering the 
urban area of Ganzhou , is mainly used in the micro 
management , planning and design and urban construction of 
the city. 
As regards "urban spatial infrastructure ", we, according to the 
spatial data rules, have confirmed the urban space framework 
dataset and the existence form of the dataset in Ganzhou. It 
includes two kinds, one is space datum, and another kind is 
non-spatial datum. These data also have the following 
characteristic besides most basic space attribute 
(1) It is multi-level. 
Divided into layers ,the spatial elements can easy to be operated 
and stored , and they can be divided into such a lot of levels as 
land type , road , river system , pipe network , administrative 
division ,etc, and can also be subdivide on this basis, even some 
non-spatial data, for example population , industry ,etc., can be 
shown in the form of dividing layers of maps as the special 
thematic data 
(2) Multi-resolution ratio and multi-polymorphic type. 
Generally, there are some sub-storehouses of various kinds of 
figures of resolution ratio to serve for different application types 
in every database, moreover the city is a complicated huge 
system, the space data and attribute data of the city involve 
every aspect of the city, its data come from different production, 
use unit, storing tools, so there are various kinds of forms of 
expression .as shown in table 1. 
Form of expression of the data 
form of the 
Various kinds of remote sensing, aerial 
survey photograph 
Various kinds of topographic maps and 
thematic maps 
Mapinfo > 
Geostar ect 
Such thematic statistical data as 
population ,economy description of the 
spatial entity ,etc. 
SQL server 
Table 1. The type and storing form of the spatial data of 
(3)Many time phases. 
The traditional space database is the description of a certain 
instantaneous space and attribute state, lacking description that 
record time changed, the space-time modeling ability of the 
semanteme is weak, unable to offer the tense to analyze the 
function, so known as static space database often, therefore it is 
difficult to suit modem city fast-developing demand, the 
importance of urban historical data demands to set up one 
high-efficient database system to organize , manage and operate 
space-time of datum .the most important thing is to set up the 
suitable datum model ,in order to manage three kinds of key 
elements of time , space , attribute simultaneously. The USD1 in 
Ganzou can offer multi-moment data and multi-time slot data, 
and offers the horizontal current data and vertical historical data. 
Comparing, analyzing, monitoring and predicting the database 
is important for management of the urban information of some 
regular changes.

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