ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct. 14-16, Hangzhou, China
2.1 Scale
Scale, an important property of spatial data, refers to the
comparative sizes of both spatial extent and time represented by
data, so that there is a big difference between information
densities represented by different scales (Wang, 2001). Scales
in geography can be interpreted in two aspects, the comparative
size and the abstract level; while scale is described as “map
scale” in cartography (Wang, 2003). Scale dimension is
continuous as time dimension and can be depicted by a
reference system, .i.e. scale dimension, scale origin, and scale
value. A line with an arrowhead is used to represent a scale,
which has its origin and direction (Figure 1). In a map, scale is
used to describe a scale reference system. Scale direction starts
from the scale origin that sets at the scale “one to one”, with
two opposite directions, one negative because of its
denominator being bigger than one, and the other positive
because of its denominator being smaller than one. Seen from
the macro aspect, the first can be considered as the abstraction
of our real world; while from the micro aspect, the second as the
magnification of this real world. Scale value can describe scale
variable in the form of “1 to m”; the larger the denominator, the
bigger the scale value. There are basic types for scale: scale
point, and scale zone. Scale point refers to the size of scale
origin, such as this “1 to 10000” scale point represented as a
point in our reference axis; scale zone means the scale range
between two scale points, such as this [1:10000, 1:250000]
scale zone represented as a line segment in our reference axis.
Compound scale can be obtained by integrating these basic
scale types.
1:1 1:100 1: 1 : ratio
Figure 1. Reference System of Scale
2.2 Introduction to Petri Net
Petri Net (PN) was proposed by C.A.Petri in 1962 as a
mathematical model for the study on information systems and
their interrelationships, including place, transition, arc and
token. With its intuition, visibility and many fine mathematical
properties, Petri Net has been widely applied to fields such as
distributed systems, information systems, and discrete event
systems and so on.
Formal languages can be used to describe Petri Net, whose
static structure corresponds to a three-tuple N(P,T,F). It can also
be represented by a graph, called the Petri Net Graph. In this
graph, F is the set of arcs linking p and t in two directions,
among which p and t refers respectively to the element of set P
and set T, with P the set of places, and T the set of transitions.
Therefore, the structure graph can be regarded as directional
two-tuple graph. Place usually refers to the state of this system,
represented by a circle “ O ”; transition corresponds to the event
changing the state, represented by a short vertical line “|” ; arc
links state and event; net structure (P,T;F) describes relations
between state and event or system rules. Token is added to the
net graph to enhance Petri Net’s functionality of simulating, not
only static phenomena but also dynamic one.
3.1 Scale Events
Scale changes cartographic entities by cartographic
generalization. While the same cartographic entity is
represented at different scales, its representation instances may
change in spatial location, shape and type, which evokes events
such as classification (aggregation or disaggregation),
simplification (delete, structure simplification or shape
simplification), exaggeration (displacement, combination,
segmentation) etc. Representation instances of the same
cartographic entity may change at different scales (from a large
scale to a small one) in the process of generalization. Some will
be deleted, or replaced by other representation instance at a
different position, or form a new symbol in the integration of
other symbols.
The cartographic entity, as element of a map, may have different
representation instances at different scales (JONES, 1996). Take
the cartographic entity man-made lake for example. It can have
different representation instances at different scales, which can
have different spatial geometry types (such as point, line, and
area, and even no type) and different attribute types (man-made
lakes, unsalted lakes, lakes and so on). In map generation, scale
events happen to representation instances, thus leading to
changes in their spatial geometry and attributes. Ri(i e n)
represents some representation instance (Figure 2) and Si (ien)
refers to some scale. Here, R1 refers to a meadow, with R2 a
forest, R3, R4, R6, R7 and R8 belonging to vegetation, and R5
a lake. R1 and R2 at scale SI is changed into a new
representation instance R3 at scale S2, with their attribute type
changing accordingly from meadow and forest to vegetation.
Then R3 at scale S2 is simplified to R4 at scale S3, with shape
simplification occurring. R5 at scale S3 is first deleted, and then
changed into R7 and R8 at scale S4, with segmentation
happening to them. Pointers can be used to describe relations
between entities and generalization events.
SI S2 S3 S4
• r m R &.
relati \ / \ / ff
Figure2. Types of Scale Events
3.2 Basic Principles
A basic requirement for cartographic databases is to provide
representation instances of the same cartographic entity at
different scales and also to relate them with each other (JONES,
1996). Now that scale is a continuous dimension, representation
instances of the same cartographic entity at different scales