Full text: ISPRS Hangzhou 2005 Workshop Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure

ISPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou, China 
—Person III function prediction a parameterised 
— Visualized analysis of mining subsidence, including 
deformation analysis, water area analysis, reclamation analysis 
—The protraction of displacement and deformation curves 
—The achievement of plane analysis and 3D view 
2.4 The Achievement of Prediction Program 
The displacement calculation of the surface is the hard core of 
the MSAS system; it is the basic work of doing the mining 
analysis and achieving other functions, which also supply the 
basic date of mining subsidence for the system. Therefore, the 
veracity of the prediction calculation result connects to the 
reliability of the whole system’s run result, which is the 
important tache of the system design. 
Take vector program as an example; explain the system 
environment of the system design and the format and method of 
date transfer, the basic program mode is : 
(1) Use C language and compile in Visual C++ system, 
transferred by Maplnfo system or solely run in Dos/Windows. 
(2) Structuralized programming, the design of the program 
structure based on affirmatory relationship and organize sub 
program based on function. 
(3) The date of mining condition and calculation point are 
supplied by the known date files; the transfer and control 
parameters are confirmed by man-computer conversation during 
the process. 
(4) The result of the calculation is output by the general format, 
so that it can still be used afterwards. 
The Specialty Functions of the Vector Prediction Program 
(1) It can predict the mining displacement of horizontal, flat, 
dipping, high dipping and vertical coal. The wide adaptability 
of the program to dip angel is based on the mining model dip 
angle transformation; It also solve the singular problem caused 
by the boundary condition ( a =0° ,90° ). 
(2) According to the mining condition around the working face, 
choose the calculation method—based on side or based on 
points, it can establish more veracious calculation boundary. 
The other is based on section curve and isoline program. Now, 
explain the analysis function of Maplnfo and Mapbasic program. 
First, the analysis model based on Maplnfor system and 
Mapbasic program will predict the result and establish table 
files with the date format of Mapinfo system; Second, the sub 
process of object-specific analysis is achieved by the MapBasic 
program, or achieved by the Mapinfo platform system directly. 
MSAS is finished by debugging and complementarities, though 
it still has some unsolved problems, such as the complete date 
share. But, the application is only the skill and technique 
problem when the system is established. Thereinafter, will 
introduce several digs show the application of MSAS in mining 
3.1 Visualized Analysis for Horizontal Seam Mining 
A certain coal mine belongs to flat coal seam, the obliquity of 
the coal mine a =6° ,the thickness of exploitation is 8.22m and 
the depth of exploitation is 300~600m. Using the MSAS 
System analysis the exploitation surface deformation of District 
No.5. Fig 3 is Distribution and area inquiry of mining influence 
of Grade II and over (tension deformation, more than 4mm/m; 
tilt, more than 6mm/m) 
3.2 Visualized Analysis for Steep Seam Mining 
Another coal mine is steep coal seam, the obliquity of the coal 
mine a =60° , the thickness of exploitation is 5m, the phase 
vertical height is 150m and the depth of exploitation is 580m. 
Using the MSAS System predict the maximum subsidence of 
surface is 1390mm. Fig 5 is the distribution of ground 
subsidence due to steep seam mining (seam’s dip angle a =60 
0 ),Fig 6 is the distribution of horizontal deformation due to 
steep seam mining, tension in red area, compression in blue area. 
The two cases show that MASA system can satisfied analysis 
require of different levels obliquity coal steam, the application 
of MASA acquire favorable achievements. 
(3) The program adopt the method of integral region of strike 
partition based on junction points, which avoid the trouble 
caused of block prepared date caused by the shape of polygon 
working face. It makes the program can adapt any shape of the 
working face (including the inside concave situation of the dip 
and strike), reduce the workload of date preparing. 
(4) The calculation points is sorted by three modes: scattered 
points, calculation line and calculation net, which all service for 
all kinds analysis purpose. 
(5) The calculation result is: any shape of the mining on 
multiplicative working face, surface calculation points is the 
movement and deformation value along any specify. 
The Program Achievement of Mining Analysis Function 
There are two approach to achieve the mining analysis function: 
One is based on the system function of Mapinfo and Mapbasic 
program, which is the main analysis methods of this system; 
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Figure 3. Distribution and area inquiry of mining influence of 
Grade II and over

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