Full text: ISPRS Hangzhou 2005 Workshop Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure

1SPRS Workshop on Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure, XXXVI(4/W6), Oct.14-16, Hangzhou,China 
Qiu Li 
School of Resources, Hebei University of Engineering, 056038 Handan, P.R. China-lprui@eyou.com 
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing (RS), Spatial data, Real estate, Geographic Information System (GIS), Evidence saving from 
damage (ESD), Spatial vector database, Attribute database 
Extracting geographic information from aerial RS image has a character of economy, high efficiency and low cost, it is mostly means 
of renewing spatial data. This paper discusses the concept of evidence saving from damage (ESD), and its application in real estate 
dismantling. The 1/2000 aerial orthographic image has been used as data sources to set up Spatial vector database of research area 
using ERDAS imagine. Setting up relationship between Attribute database and spatial vector database, and implementing real estate 
dismantling GIS with RS image background. We test our methods for the Sun Palace in Beijing. The results have confirmed the 
effectiveness of aerial RS-based approach. 
With the development of economics, urban construction grows 
up rapidly. The old city district rebuilding and the joint of urban 
and countryside have already become hot place of the real estate 
company. At these areas, there are many temporary and floating 
population, public and private houses are intermixed, temporary 
and illegal buildings are everywhere. The topographic map has 
not updated for many years. The general ways of mapping 
topographic map are hard in a short period of time, and the 
costs are high. It is hard to know everything clear. Such as 
house property, local resident population, temporary people, 
registered population, numbers of returning persons, etc. This 
makes real estate company can’t go ahead. The emergence of 
GIS provides an effective technical means for solving this 
problem. Currently, most of the real estate GIS concentrate their 
attention on the later management. Nevertheless, the former 
investment evaluation, old city zone house dismantle, and 
evidence saving from damage (ESD) are considered less(Chen, 
2003). Most of the strong big real estate company have the 
ability of opening up a large area of several blocks which 
covered with many old houses. The old houses have been 
dismantled that means the extinguishments of original houses 
evidence. How to save the full evidences of the existence of old 
houses is an urgent problem to be solved, long time has passed, 
but less man come in. RS image has the characters of objectivity 
and authenticity. In this paper, RS image based concept of ESD 
was proposed, and has been used in the application of real 
estate dismantling GIS. Beijing has abundance of remote 
sensing (RS) images. The 1/2000 aerial images update every 
year, which possess better actuality, high resolution, etc. In this 
paper, mining GIS management and analysis needed spatial data 
based on aerial image is proposed. The spatial vector database 
of the research area (Sun Palace ) is set up by using ERDAS 
imagine(Dang, 2002, Fang, 1998), which contains seven 
thematic layers: background layer, boundary layer, buildings 
layer, road layer, and land use layer, dismantling layer. Data 
mining area is about 5.45 million square meters. The detailed 
and accurate attribute data is obtained by field investigation, 
and setting up the attribute database related with spatial 
geometric data. An ESD real estate dismantling GIS with aerial 
image background is implemented. 
In the day life, some of the evidence maybe extinguished or it is 
hard to obtain late because of the affection of subjective and 
impersonal factors. For avoiding these things occur, it usually 
has been fixed up in all forms, to keep its objectivity, 
authenticity and validity of the evidence, so that it can be used 
to solve dissensions in time well and truly, and to vindicate the 
legal rights and interests of the party. Therefore, most of the 
country’s law set up the system of ESD. 
2.1 The Concept of ESD 
The regulation of rule 74 of code of civil law: “Under the 
conditions of evidence maybe extinguish or it is hard to obtain, 
The lawsuit attendance can apply people’s court for ESD, The 
people’s court also can take saving measures.’’(Fan, 2001). 
The tiptop people’s court puts in force some regulation of 
evidence of civil action, in which rule 24 regulates the methods 
of ESD as follows: “When the people’s court carries through 
ESD, it can take the way of sealing up, distrainment, taking 
photos, recording, kinescope, copy, authenticating, 
investigating, and taking notes.” 
2.2 The Role of ESD 
ESD plays very important role in solving dissension, so it is 
called “The first line of defence in preventing civil dissension.” 
The markets of real estate occupy an important status in the 
country’s economy, the development of real estate affects the 
daily life of hundreds of thousands families. Thus, it can 
promote the market of real estate run healthy by the ESD. 
Aerial RS image comes from impersonal thing directly, being 
impersonal thing directly reflection, it can be used as evidence 
directly in the lawsuit. It can also open out in the most and 
reappear the original state of the things waiting to be proved.

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