Full text: ISPRS Hangzhou 2005 Workshop Service and Application of Spatial Data Infrastructure

Virtual Environments for Spatial Data Infrastructures on Computing Grids 
T. Nguyen, L. Wang, J.P Antikidis 95 
SDI Qualification Using TQM Concept 
A. D. Moghaddam, M.R. Delavar 103 
Realization of Data Mining Model for Expert Classification Using Multi-scale Spatial Data 
Shuang ZHANG, Xuehua LIU 107 
A New Image Matching Algorithm with Modified Greedy Algorithm for Remote Sensing Imagery 
Xu wen QIN, Li LI, Shufang TIAN 113 
Technical Session 3: SDI for Emergency Services 
Use of Commercial Remote Sensing Satellite Data in Support of Emergency Response 
S. W. Doescher, R. Risty, R.H. Sunne 121 
SDI Conceptual Modelling for Disaster Management 
Ali Mansourian, Abbas Rajabifard, Mohammad Javad Valadan Zoej 125 
Transport Contaminated Ground Water in Fractured Chalk 
Yousef Zandi 131 
Research on Integration of SDI with Geological and Meteorological Data for Meteorological Forecast and 
Alarm of Geological Disasters 
Weidong ZHAO, Yunxia LI, J. Q. WANG 137 
Technical Session 4: Global and Regional SDI 
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI): Encouraging SDI Development Internationally 
Alan R. Stevens 309 
Establishment of Precise Geodetic Network for Al Ain Region 
Kamal Abdellatif Abdalla 141 
Legal Aspect of Access to Geo-information within Indonesian Spatial Data Infrastructure 
R. Abdulharis, B. van Loenen, J. Zevenbergen 147 
An Integrated Multi-goal Regional Planning Platform Based on Remote Sensing and GIS 
Xinhui MA, Blngfang WU, Zhiming LUO, Lan ZENG 155 
Local SDI for Medium Sized Developing Cities in China, taking Xuzhou as an Example 
Zhigang YAN, PeiJun DU, H.R. ZHANG, G.L.CHEN 161 
Technical Session 5: SDI in Urban Areas and Marine Areas 
Study on the System of Technical Methods for Digital Urban Planning 
Anrong DANG, Huizhen SHI, Haoying HAN, Lei WU 167 
Foundation Framework for City Underground Spatial Data 
Lei XU, Lixin WU, Defu CHE, Yun JIANG 171 
The Spatial Relationship between the Distribution of Ommastrephes Bartrami and Marine Environment in the 
Western North Pacific Ocean 
Wenyu WANG, Quanqin SHAO 177 
Research on the Construction of Urban Spatial Data Infrastructure 
Xiaosheng LIU, Youliang CHEN, Hexia WENG 183

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