Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
Rainlog and preslog: Novel tools for in-situ measurements Hoop
International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC), Enschede, Netherlands
The rainlog and preslog electronic water level log
gers were developed at the International Institute
for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC),
Enschede, and after some redesigning, are produced
by Siemens Netherlands, The Hague.
The instruments measure and record water pressure
over long periods (for example, at sixty minutes
intervals for a period of 12 months) without requir
ing maintenance or changing of batteries. Expensive
test stations are not required. The loggers, togeth
er with the data-processing facilities, provide a
new scientific approach to field measurements.
The pressure recordings ar.e controlled by a micro
processor and are stored in a removable internal
memory block (the "Eprom"). The capacity of the
Eprom is 10240 records. The records are read by a
personal computer (Epson, type PX-8) with an "Eprom
reader". Depending on the software chosen the re
sults can be presented raw or in calculated form.
Two types of loggers are available; both have the
same electronics. The difference is based on the
type of sensor used. Rainlog has a relative pressure
sensor; preslog has an absolute pressure sensor. The
standard range for rainlog is 2 meters. The standard
range for preslog is 0 to 4 bar, which at sea level
is equivelent to a range of 30 meters.
The precision of the measurements is approximately
0.2 percent for preslog and 0.5 percent for rainlog.
The resolution is 2000 for the rainlog and 4000 for
the 4 bar-type preslog. The measuring interval can
be set between 30 seconds and 60 minutes (60 minutes
is standard). A built-in audio signal provides an
operational check.
The loggers were designed for both accuracy and
durability. Durability requires permanent attachment
to the internal panel of all parts except the remov
able memory block (Eprom) and also very firm place
ment of the panel in the steel cylinder. Opening the
cylinder to replace the Eprom or to re-set the re
cording interval requires a vise, which is usually
not available at a test site. We therefore recommend
transporting the entire logger to a field office
where the necessary equipment can be kept and where
there is less danger of damage to the Eprom.
1.1 Preslog applications
River level
To record river levels, a logger must be anchored
in the riverbed. After installation, it is left for
a maximum period of 12 months. The instrument func
tions without disturbance, despite shifting bottom
sand and gravel. After the operating period, the
logger must be retrieved and opened; the memory
block is removed and read by the personel computer.
An additional "dry" preslog is required for barome
tric correction. One dry logger covers an extensive
area and thus can be combined with several wet
Groundwater level
Preslog can also function as a groundwater level
logger. Its three inch diameter allows placement in
waterpipes for pump-test. Data from several tests
can be recorded in sequence by placing a "marker"
in the recorded data to indicate the end of one
test and the beginning of the next.
1.2 Rainlog applications
To record rainfall, a rainlog is connected to the
bottom of a rain collection container. Only in
creases in pressure are recorded. Decreases in
pressure caused by evaporation or emptying the
container are ignored. A simple program later shows
the results of a year's data collection.