Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
A study with NOAA-7 AVHRR-imagery in monitoring ephemeral
streams in the lower catchment area of the Tana River, Kenya
J.W.van den Brink
DHV Consulting Engineers, Amersfoort, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: This article presents a case study in which the possibilities of the NOAA-7 AVHRR system are
evaluated for the extraction of hydrological information through the monitoring of the vegetation growth
in the lower catchment area of the Tana River,Kenya. Emphasis is placed on the assessment of the
hydrologic influence of the ephemeral streams in the lower catchment area on the Tana River. Due to the
presence of severe cloud cover over the lower catchment no imagery was obtained by the NOAA-7 AVHRR
system with sufficient quality to derive the desired information in a period of five months and a near
daily coverage of the satellite system. However the imagery shows that the NOAA-7 AVHRR system forms an
additional source of information for observation and monitoring of vegetation of large or even moderately
sized areas, such as the secundary catchment areas in this study, with sufficient radiometric and spatial
RESUME: Cet article présente unç étude dans laquelle les possibilités du système NOAA-7 AVHRR sont évaluées
pour la déduction d'information hydrologique par 1'enrégistrement de la croissance de la végétation dans la
zone de captage inferieur du Tana fleuve au Kénia.
Beaucoup d'attention est donnée à l'obtention de l'influence causé par les cours d'eau secondaires (Laga's)
qui, dans ce bassin ne produisent de l'eau que pendant une période restreinte de l'année. Parce que Les
études étaient exécutées pendant les saisons des pluies, dans deux périodes de 5 mois totales. Il existaint
une couverture de nuages persistante dans ces périodes et le système NOAA-7 AVHRR ne procurait, malgré la
répétition des observations quotidiennes par la satellite, pas d'images de qualité suffisante pour en
déduire l'information désirée.
Cependant, les images montrent que le système NOAA-7 AVHRR constitue une source additionelle d'information
pour l'observation et l'enregistrement de la végétation dans des zones par sa résolution radiométriques et
spatiale même les zones de superficie surface modérée comme le cas des zones sécondaire de captage dans cette
The monitoring study of ephemeral streams in the
Lower Tana River catchment in Kenya with NOAA-7
AVHRR imagery formed part of the larger Tana River
Remote Sensing Study. The Tana River Remote
Sensing Study was financed by the Dutch Ministery
of Education and Science and the Netherlands
Remote Sensing Board (BCRS) and executed by DHV
Consulting Engineers, in cooperation with the
Delft Hydraulics Laboratry (DHL) and the Research
Institute for Nature Management (RIN), all from
the Netherlands, together with Landevco from
Kenya. The study was carried out as part of the
Tana River Morphology Studies in which the same
organizations participate. The Tana River Morpho
logy has the objective to analyse the effect of
current and future interventions, such as reser
voirs and irrigation schemes and the morphology
of the Tana River and the riverine lands.
The lower catchment area of the Tana River is a
very large and inaccessible area only inhabited by
a small number of roaming pastoralists. The area
contains some 90 smaller and larger ephemeral
streams, called Laga's, which flow into the Tana
Only during the two rainy seasons, a period in
may-june with long-rains when more than half of
the annual precipitation falls and a period in
october-december with short rains, it can be
expected that water is carried by the Laga's.
It was the objective of the case study to evaluate
the hydrologic influence of these Laga's on the
Tana River. Given the constraints described above
any research in the area require a lot of manpower
and logistics. Therefore the use of satellite
imagery was investigated for the extraction of the
desired hydrological information.
Figure 1. Mosaic of Landsat images of the Lower
Tana River area(near-infrared channel, June 1975)