Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

The sub-Quaternary surface seems to be varied too 
/Pig.4/. In the western part of /uiawy Wig lane there 
occurs a partly eroded Tertiary cover consisted of 
soft and loose /duotile/ sediments lithologically dif 
ferent from the Cretaceous ones. In the eastern part 
of this area as well as locally in the near-slope zone 
of the western plateau, Cretaoeous sediments occur di 
rectly on the sub-Quatemary surface. 
A distinct coinoidenoe of the character of sub-Qua- 
temary surface relief and that of Cretaceous one has 
been observed comparing a maps /Fig.3,V« It might be 
suggested that pre-glaoial and young Pleistocene ero 
sion had the similar regional character as the post- 
-Cretaoeous processes. The general pattern of develop 
ment of the post-Tertiary relief as well as that of 
post-Cretaceous seem to be similar in both oases - 
stronger erosion was marked in the eastern part of the 
area of Zulawy and locally - also - in the north-west 
ern part. The similarity conoems also the smaller re 
lief forms of the Cretaoeous top surface and the sub- 
-Quaternary one as e.g. moderate broad culminations 
and depressions. 
The coincides mentioned above might be, however, 
quite random - just due to the same number of boreho 
les and the same distribution of them i.e. to the same 
quantity of information in both the oases. 
When one takes, however, different lithological 
structures of both the surfaoes and the difference in 
factors conditioning erosion processes in pre-Tertiary, 
pre-glacial or Pleistooene periods into aocount, it 
seems to be possible that the relief /features/ in the 
surface of Cretaceous sediments have been influenced 
to a distinct degree by the tectonic disjunctive de 
formations of of these brittle - and strongly fissured 
- rocks. The features and dislocations of small ampli 
tudes characteristic for the platform area and develo 
ped due to the relatively weak post-Cretaceous tecto 
nic aotivity might have facilitated an erosion follow 
ing the tectonic pattern of the Cretaceous rooks. 
The relations of the post-Pliooene /pre-glacial/ 
erosion and the different Pleistocene processes /ero 
sion, aooumulatlon, exaration/ to the Cretaoeous sedi 
ments - seem to be less distinot. Some deformations in 
Cretaoeous rocks could have beem aotive, however, in 
this time under an influence of different processes 
i.e. aotivity of continental glaoier, post-glacial 
prooesses, and finally - processes influencing the 
Baltlc-sea development. 
The phenomena oharaoteristio for the area of Zulawy, 
as: ohanges in directions of palaeo-drainage channels 
in the different periods of Quaternary, positions of 
the fossil shore-line, stages, orientations and posi 
tions of a front of deltalo accumulation, as well as 
another Pleistooene and Holocene prooesses leading to 
variations of facies and thioknesses of the sediments 
seem to be conneoted with the reaotlvation of the tec 
tonic deformations - from Cretaoeous till recent. 
Vistula Delta Plain area represents a distinct morpho- 
genetio units within surrounding uplands /morainio 
plateaux/ as it is seen in the satellite images 
/Fig.i/. The unit displays well visible boundaries due 
to the oharacter of the tones different from the adja- 
oent areas, as well as different structure and textu 
re of the image. The difference mentioned seems to be 
mainly related to the soil and water conditions of the 
area of Zulawy i.e. different land-use character /ara 
ble fields, meadows etc./ and - in indireot manner - 
to the soil complexes /-mainly organic soils - of high 
water oontent, or a sandy ones - of alluvial origin/. 
Prom the geological point of view the tonal pattern 
of 2ulawy Wiilane seems to be weakly differentiated 
only with enhancement of tones corresponding to allu 
vial series in the river valleys, wide depression of 
the Druzno lake, seashore dune belt and the area of an 
increased lateral water supply /along the uplands 
margin/. No distinct relation of the tones and depres 
sion areas has been noticed. It must be stressed, how 
ever, that in the 2ulawy area the analysis of the to 
nes does not imply an disoussion on the detailed geo 
logical structure expressing only some features of 
spatial management. 
Most important for the geologioal interpretation 
seem to be lineaments seen in the remote sensing ima 
ges. They form, as it was mentioned above, a net of 
linear elements of differentiated visibility, orienta 
tion and density. The observed linears display the 
length in interval from some to anywhere ten to twen 
ty kilometres. Two types of lineaments might be dis 
tinguished; - long regional and - short local ones. 
The first type forms occasionally some regular longer 
trends with the most frequent direction of about 70°, 
less frequent - submeridional one and still less dis 
tinct ones; 20°-40° and 130°-i50° /Pig.6A/. 
Figure 6. A - Azimuthal histogram of the lineaments 
for Vistula Delta Plain and adjacent morainic plateaux 
B - Structural diagram of lineaments /aooording to 
results of Vistelius method/: 1 -concentration zone, 
2 -steady distribution zone, 3 -dispersion zone. 
These lineaments occur in the more extense area - 
at least in the whole peri-Baltic syneolize. Numerous 
shorter and more dispersed as well as everywhere 
equally well visible lineaments display mostly the 
directions close to these regional trends. That is why 
the whole remote sensing pattern of 2ulawy area has 
the regular i.e. ordered character despite the looal 
domination of some directions or differentiation in 
the density of lineaments. 
The statistical analysis has confirmed the results 
from above. The analysis itself included an estimation 
of the linear and surface densities of all the linea 
ments /even those less visible/, an evaluation of the 
correlation between their length and azimuths as well 
as an estimation of the statistically preferred orien 
tations. It showed no correlation between the visibi 
lity of the lineaments and their length or azimuth in 
the area of ftulawy and/or adjacent plateaux. Prom the 
other side a high regularity of the lineament pattern, 
an existence of the preferred directions / 0-10° and 
60°-80° - Fig.6B/ and a local increase in lineaments 
density /as e.g. in the central part of Zulawy/ have 
been stated. The zones of concentration of lineaments 
in trends remain in coinoidenoe of about t10° with the 
subclass of the best visible lines separated for stati 
stical use. 
The density of the lineaments displays local varia 
tions i.e. it is relatively low in the north; - in sea 
shore region, - in the belt along the Kashubian pla 
teau margin and - at delta root, and locally in the 
center of Zulawy. 
The more distinot changes might be noticed - in ge 
neral - in the blocks marked by some trends of linea 
ments or their sets. 
The high statistically proved regularity of the li 
neament pattern may be an evidence of the character of 
the factor which had caused their formation. It could 
be the same one in the area of Sutawy themselves as 
well as of the surrounding plateaux and in the whole 
peri-Baltic syneolize. 
Sinoe the genezis of the lineaments can not be re 
ferred to the Cainozoic sediments because of their 
specific, complex and irregular structure only the 
tectonics itself, especially — a fracture and fault 
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