Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 3)

with a minimum of ground control points. 
Results so far indicate an altitude determination 
accuracy of 5 m (r m.s.) when using stereo pairs 
with a base to height ratio close to 1 ( viewing 
angle) and 8 m (r.m.s.) when using a vertical and 
an oblique images (base to height ratio of 0.5). 
This very encouraging result confirm that 
mapping at a scale of 1/100 000 can easily be 
performed with SPOT stereoscopic pairs when using 
ordinary analytical stereoplotter. No result is 
available yet with digital correlation techniques but 
it is expected that similar if not better accuracy 
should be obtained with this new approach. 
The results of the SPOT images quality 
assessment are thus very encouraging A permanent 
image quality team has been established to 
continuously monitor the various parameters 
describing this quality, particularly the relative and 
absolute calibration parameters, in order to inject 
them at regular intervals in the preprocessing 
software and keep the user community informed of 
possible changes. 
3 - Spacecraft imaging operations and ground 
After official system commissioning on May 6, 
1986, the full capacity of the spacecraft was used, 
and regular transmissions to both the 
Toulouse/Aussaguel and the Kiruna stations took 
place on the basis of an average of five passes per 
day (2 passes in the real time mode and 3 passes 
for recorders play-back). 
From May 1st 1986 until mid August, the total 
number of scenes recorded and archived in these 
two stations was about 100 000. In addition 25 000 
scenes had been received and archived in the 
Toulouse station during the post launch assessment 
The percentage of cloud-free images is about 
20 %, although this percentage is significantly 
higher if one considers as acceptable images where 
one quadrant is cloud-covered while the other three 
quadrants are cloud free. 
All received images are archived and referenced 
in the SPOT IMAGE Catalogue, which is remotely 
accessible by users worldwide. As of mid August, 
more than 50 users were already connected to the 
catalogue system and were interrogating it on a 
regular basis. Quick-Look images of all scenes are 
also produced but the poor quality of the 
Quick-Look frames (on 70 mm film) make their 
reproduction difficult. A modification of the 
Quick-Look production and retrieval system is 
planned to improve the situation. 
Preprocessing of images received in Toulouse is 
made on the basis of customers orders and, when 
these do not require the full production capacity, 
on the basis of systematic processing of cloud free 
images of selected areas. At mid August, 2 400 
SPOT scenes had been processed in Toulouse, 600 
of them for internal use such as quality control, 
relative calibration, etc. Most of the preprocessing 
is done at level 1A and IB (system correction) and 
very few at level 2 (precision correction), reflecting 
a relatively low level of demand for precision 
processed data. 
Actual production capacity gradually raised since 
commissioning. In August, the average number of 
processed scenes is 43, with production delays of 
one week for 85 % of scenes. It is expected that 
the full processing capacity of the Toulouse center 
(70 scenes per day) will be achieved in September 
or October. 
In mid June 1986, the two Canadian stations 
located in Prince Albert (Saskatchewan) and 
Gatineau (Quebec) started routine operations. These 
two stations read out the SPOT telemetry when the 
spacecraft overflies the North American continent. 
Thus, real time imagery of both Canada and the 
USA (with the exception of Western Alaska and 
Hawal) is collected. Scenes relative to the Canadian 
territory are archived by the Canada Center for 
Remote Sensing (CCRS); routine image production 
should start by the end of the year. 
Scenes relative to the U.S. territory are recorded 
in the Canadian station, and High Density Tapes 
are shiped to the SPOT IMAGE CORPORATION's 
facility in Reston (Virginia). SICORP's production 
system is almost completed and will start 
operations in October. 
Other direct read-out facilities are in the 
implementation or planning stage: agreements have 
been signed already with station operators in India, 
China, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh and Australia. 
Other receiving stations planning to receive SPOT 
telemetry are located in Brazil, Pakistan, Japan, 
South Africa and in Mas Palomas (Canary Islands). 
It is expected that at least three or four of these 
stations will be ready to routinely receive SPOT 
data in mid-1987, while the rest of them should be 
ready by end of 1987 or early 1988. 
4 - Data distribution and uses 
The extensive network of SPOT data distributors 
established by SPOT IMAGE prior to the launch has 
permitted wide distribution of images soon after 
commissionning: while some government-owned 
distributors did not engage in any significant 
marketing efforts, many other have been very 
active from the start and provide an efficient 
service to the users in their country. In addition, 
many customers in more than 25 countries have 
ordered SPOT data directly to SPOT IMAGE in 
Toulouse. The market outlook after only a few 
months of operations is thus very encouraging, 
particularly in the areas of land survey, topographic 
mapping and agriculture-related applications. 
One market area which had not really been 
expected to be significant is the provision of SPOT 
images to the media: the availability of images of 
the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, soon 
after the accident which took place on April 26th, 
raised a very high interest for civilian remote 
sensing satellites data in the media circles. Both 
natural disasters such as the gaseous explosion in a 
volcanic crater lake in Cameroun or the extensive 
forest fires in Southern France in July^ and human 
activities such as the world soccer championship in 
Mexico in June have indeed put a lot of pressure 
on SPOT IMAGE to produce images in a very short 
time at the request of the media. This had a 
significant impact on production, but in a world 
where the media are the fifth power, it is difficult 
not to satisfy them. 
One reason for such a high interest, of course, 
is the high resolution of SPOT images as well as 
the ability to collect data at short intervals. 
Images of the forest fires in Southern France, for 
example, were collected on 24th and 29th of July, 
thus allowing a rapid determination of the extent 
of damages as well as illustrating for the general 
public the location and size of the areas destroyed 
by fire. 
These two principal characteristics of SPOT 
images, namely high resolution and repetitive 
coverage have been well taken into account by the 
user community in Western Europe; this has led to 
a very high level of demand for imaging requests, 
leading to an unexpected number of programming 
conflicts in this part of the world. Establishing a 
satisfactory system for priority management of 
these conflicts proved to be difficult, leading to 
many requests being delayed for many weeks, if 
not months. A gradual improvement of the situation 
is expected once a larger archive of data will have 
been collected, therefore allowing to serve more 
users directly from the raw data archive instead of 
having to go through the spacecraft programming 
Another very demanding program in terms of

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