Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 3)

Arthur P.Crac 
Carnegie Labor 
achieved by th 
present positi 
fields with cu 
expected to be 
near future. 
It is appropri 
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I have in mind 
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whether for qu 
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hand the use o 
In the past th 
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The difference 
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the improved s 
of instruments 
space, namely 
LANDSAT-5 and 
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becoming very 
A great deal 
work has, in t 
I might call d 
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the land in wh 
secondary. A 
grammetry has 
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to dealing wit 
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been based on 
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To survey th 
and to assess 
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Manual of Remo 
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Environment" a 
Assessment"; I 
the main point 
more recent ma 
that edition o 
present positi 
about future d

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