Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 3)

stage of growth the assumption of vegetation homo 
geneity does not apply any longer and the model must 
be extended to a two-layer model with separate values 
for C and D, (Hoekman e.a. 1982) 
Recently it was suggested to improve the cloud mo 
del further by the introduction of polarization de 
pendence (Allen e.a. 1984). 
Allen, C.T. & F.T.Ulaby 1984. Modelling the polari 
zation dependence of the attenuation in vegetation 
canopies. Proc. IGARSS, Vol 1, pi 19-124. 
Attema, E.P.W. &F.T.Ulaby 1978. Vegetation modelled 
as a water cloud. Radio Science, Vol 13, No 2, 
Attema, E.P.W. & P.J. Kats, van & L.Krul 1982. A 
radar signature model for partially coherent scat 
tering from irregular surfaces. IEEE Trans. Geo 
science and Remote Sensing GE 20 nr. 1 p76-84. 
Attema, E.P.W. & P.Snoeij 1984. Dutscat, a 6-freq 
uency airborne scatterometer. Proc. Earsel work 
shop. ESA-sp 227, pl27-129, Amsterdam. 
Hoekman, D.H. & E.P.W.Attema & L.Krul 1982. A multi 
layer model for radar backscattering by vegetation 
canopies. Proc. IGARSS, Vol II pTA-1, 
Hoogeboom, P. 1983. Classification of agricultural 
crops in radar images. IEEE Trans. Geoscience and 
Remote Sensing, vol GE21, nr. 3, p329-336. 
Krul, L. 1979. The modelling Problem an introduction. 
Proc. Earsel-workshop: Microwave Remote Sensing on 
Bare Soil, p85-95. 
Krul, L. 1981. Scatterometer Systems. Proc. ESA- 
Earsel workshop, ESA SP-166, pl9-27, Alpbach. 
Loor, G.P. de 1974. Measurements of radar ground 
returns. Proc. URSI Specialist Meeting Microwave 
Scattering and Emission from the Earth, pl85-195, 
Megier, J. & W.Mehl & R.Ruppelt 1985. Methodological 
studies of rural land use classification of SAR and 
multi-sensor imagery. Investigators Final Report 
SAR-580, p693-721. 
Ruck, G.T. et al 1970. Radar Cross Section Handbook. 
Plenum Press, London. 
Smit, M.K. 1979. Preliminary results of an investi- 
gatioh into the potential of applying X-band SLR- 
images for crop type inventory purposes. IEEE Trans. 
Geosc. Electr. 17, p303-308.

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