Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

- On the knowledge-engineering level, we are conti 
nuously integrating new knowledge from remote 
sensing, geo-science, and image-processing into the 
existing framework of the RESEDA knowledge base. 
It is mainly here that experiences from the applica 
tion level are integrated. A surveying engineer, a 
specialist in remote sensing, is working .on this 
knowledge-acquisition task. 
- On the implementation level we are augmenting the 
representational framework for the RESEDA know 
ledge base and extending the inference and data 
processing subsystem. This work is guided by requi 
rements formulated at the knowledge-engineering 
level. Two software engineers are permanently en 
gaged in these tasks of expert system-design and 
Our research aims at an expert system to simplify the use 
of remote sensing techniques for non-expert users. To 
achieve this task we need to elicit the knowledge behind 
these techniques to gain better insight into the concepts 
and models available to a remote sensing expert. Beyond 
building the RESEDA expert system and its knowledge 
base, the research being done in RESEDA also contribu 
tes to the development and refinement of a scientific 
theory of remote sensing. 
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