Outline of the algorithm The AVHRR scene is
treated block by block. The algorithm starts by
calculating the gaseous transmittance values on
the basis of the geometry of the scene and the
entries in the appropriate tables. It then goes
on to index the sun and satellite angle look-up
tables. It then calculates, for both channels,
the Rayleigh optical thickness over the block,
and finally, pixel-by-pixel, it calculates the
ground reflectance.
"Thermal" channels: channel 4 and 5. Surface
brightness temperature are calculated using the
conventional split window technique, which is
designed to take account of the water vapour
content of the atmosphere.
The calibration and atmospheric correction
modules form an integral part of the pre
processing software, which includes cloud
detection and a two-step automatic geometric
correction module. Clouds are detected by their
radiometric properties. The algorithm is based
on the cascade philosophy used in the APOLLO
algorithm (Saunders 1986), in which a series of
tests take place, the most powerful first.
Thresholds are set dynamically in small blocks of
the imagery. During the geometric correction, an
elliptical orbital model is used to navigate the
data, after which they are registered accurately
using GCPs detected automatically along the
coastlines of Europe.
When installed, this software will enable clients
to order AVHRR data pre-processed to a known
standard. Rather than, as at present, spending
large amounts of time, effort and money on pre
processing the data, the thematic user will then
be able to start immediately to work on the
aspects of the data which directly concern him.
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