yield data to determine what
statistical relationship exists
(Boatwright, 1988). A collection of
AVHRR data was obtained over the
midwest during the period 1983 through
1987. The objective was to create a
model based on the three crop years,
1983 through 1985, then to estimate
yield for 1987. In order to do this,
data from several of the NOAA-n series
satellites had to be combined.
The data were first processed through
the USDA, FAS, Metsat processor. The
software has functions that screen for
clouds, water and bare soil. A sun
angle correction was applied to better
equate data from different satellites.
A vegetation index number (VIN) was
calculated as a difference between
channel 1 and 2. A further constraint
was to have at least five satellite
acquisitions during the growing period
over the area of interest. AVHRR data
from NOAA-6 through 10 satellites were
used. An additive model adjusted for
differences between satellite sensors.
VIN values were interactively compared
from different satellites for the same
location within a two day period.
After the appropriate data sets were
obtained, coefficients of the model
were computed to equate all values to
those obtained from NOAA-6.
A number of problems exist in this type
of adjustment. There can be
substantial atmospheric differences
between consecutive days and even
though near nadir passes were used,
there are potentially some angular
affect differences. Also, by using a
simple channel difference the VIN
values are contaminated by atmospheric
scattered radiation. This effect is a
function of the solar zenith angle and
increases as the solar zenith angle
increases. Data analysis from various
morning and afternoon satellites, shows
that the effect is larger for the
morning satellites than afternoon. A
better procedure to estimate a
vegetation index would be to use a
normalized difference rather than a
simple difference. A normalized
difference is rather insensitive to sun
angle and atmospheric affects and also
leads to a more stable "soil line" than
simple difference values. In general
better calibration data are needed from
the satellite systems, however the
process moved forward and data sets
were created.
For corn and soybean areas in the U.S.
midwest, a 120 day crop season was
selected as the appropriate period.
This period was divided into six day
intervals thus creating twenty
intervals for the season. A curve fit
procedure was employed to fit a VIN
trajectory using a single component
exponential model. After the best fit
was obtained, the area under the curve
of each of the twenty intervals is
calculated. A linear function of
values from the twenty areas is used to
estimate yield. In general it was
found that four interval areas are
adequate to capture most of the
correlative information of the system.
Three of the values came from the time
period up to peak greeness and one
after. Also, there seems to be some
forecast capability in this simple
model at about sixty days into the
growing season.
Relationships from the single study
using three years of data for model
building and testing, and one for
validation, gave a range of
approximately +20 bushels per acre from
official published data for corn using
the full season model. Work continues
to improve this general approach.
Developing the trajectory using a
normalized approach should improve
performance. There is potential for
using something as simple as this as an
indicator approach for yield or
production potential.
Recent research (Wiegand and
Richardson, 1990) extending earlier
work, suggests a firmer scientific base
for this approach. They specify a
"spectral component analysis" approach
and calculate évapotranspiration and
provide an equation for yield
estimation. The basic assumptions of
spectral component analysis are that
the crop canopy display the net
assimiliate achieved in response to
growing conditions that have occurred
and that vegetation indices are a
measure of the amount of
photosynthetically active and
transpiring tissue present.
Recently, (Maas, 1988 a and b) an
effort has been undertaken to use
satellite remotely sensed data to
compliment the performance of crop
growth models. One such effort for
grain sorghum utilizes process based
functional relationships in a very
simplified form. The model operates
with only three major "state" variables
-- green (living) leaf area index,
above ground drymass and stage of
development. In this approach, field
level remotely sensed data derived from
Landsat multispectral inputs are used
to calculate either an initial value of
green leaf area index (GLAI) or to
calibrate the trajectory of GLAI if the