Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

This research was supported in part by the Institut fur Vermessungswesen und 
Fernerkundung at the Universität fur Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria. The author would like 
to thank Dr. Werner Schneider for his helpful discussions and suggestions. 
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Endlicher, W. (1982), "Radarbilder in den Geowissenschaften", Geographische 
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, H. Grossman, W. Mauser, and E. Parlow (1984), "Landscape and 
Settlement Pattern Recognition", SAR-580 Investigators Final Workshop, May 15-17, 
Ispra, Italy, in JRC/ESA (Hrsg.) Investigators Final Report. Vol. 2, pp. 573-613. 
, and R. Kessler (1982), "Geowissenschaftliche Radarbildinterpretation 
--Systemgrundlagen einer neuen Fernerkundungsmethode am Beispiel eines 
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pp. 399-404. 
Harris, R. (1985), "SIR-A Imagery of Tunisia and Its Potential for Population 
Estimation", International Journal of Remote Sensing. 6, 7, pp. 975-978. 
Henderson, F. and M. Anuta (1980), "Effects of Radar System Parameters, 
Population, and Environmental Modulation of Settlement Visibility", International 
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