Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

In recent years we have seen considerable 
changes, with image analysis and GIS systems 
now being offered on PC-based platforms. If 
we look at the development of price per MIPS 
processing power and price per MB storage 
over the past and future 5 years it is clear 
the affordability of computer resources is 
improving rapidly, in addition workstation 
vendors such as Sun Microsystems are 
increasingly committing themselves to full 
integration of image processing in their 
product line. 
In addition these workstations will be highly 
compact and reliable, to the extent 
operational expenditures for equipment 
maintenance will become negligible compared 
to the expense of data maintenance. 
Furthermore, fibreoptic networking 
architectures are expected to improve to the 
point where voluminous image files can be 
transmitted between workstations and central 
data banks without delaying operator 
As has happened already in the administrative 
section, the proliferation of affordable 
workstations is likely to generate a need for 
some form of central data depository, from 
which workstation operators can retrieve what 
they will call raw data (in fact this will be 
preprocessed standardized data), and where 
they can deposit the results of their 
activities for safekeeping, archival, or use 
by others. This will result in a combination 
of central data base management and 
distributed access privileges for 
Although this evolutionary process will take 
some time, it is already in progress. 
Fortunately, we will see a strong emphasis on 
standardization as this process is taking 
place. This reduces uncertainty on the part 
of the user community and will facilitate 
rapid introduction of these more affordable 
computer and software solutions as they 
become available. 
While a number of factors have constrained 
the effective utilization of remotely sensed 
data in the past, many signs point towards 
significant improvements over the years to 
come. This technology oriented push is 
happening parallel to a market oriented pull 
caused by the increasing need for accurate 
data to manage the earth's resources and 
environment. The realization that mankind 
will have increasingly better data and tools 
at its disposal to manage this planet's 
resources and environment only increases our 
responsibility to get on with the job. 
As a leader in remote sensing systems we at 
MacDonald Dettwiler are committed to work 
with others around the globe to provide the 
tools needed to achieve sustainable 
development in order to make the world a 
better place for generations to come.

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