time t+1 in equation (34), given its estimated
status Jft at time t, is analogous to the
calibrated estimate in equation (7), given an
imperfect (biased) remotely sensed estimate.
If the deterministic model is perfect, variance
vari^t + i) of estimated status Jft + i of the one
sample unit at time t+1 is
var(Jt + i) = var( Xt) Pt 2 + var(Jft) A 2 , (35)
as portrayed in Fig. 2. More realistically, the
deterministic model is imperfect, and there is
additional error (Ut) in predicting change
between time t and t+1. Assuming additive,
independent prediction errors, variance of the
updated estimate for the one sample unit is
var(2it*i) = var(lft )ft 2 +var(Xt) A 2 +var( Ut), (36)
as portrayed in Fig. 2. One fundamental problem
will be estimating the variance of the prediction
errors va.r(Ut) between times t+1 and t. This is
discussed in Section 7.3.
7.2 Stratum estimates for each time period
The stratum level prediction model (i.e.,
transition probabilities Pi and A) in equations
(34) and (36) could update the estimated status
of each sample unit in the 1/4 subsample observed
at time t. These estimates might be directly
combined with those from the other 1/4 subsample
observed at time t+1, using the composite method
presented in Section 5. The resulting stratum
estimate at time t+1 would include measurements
from 1/2 of the sample units.
At time t+2, the estimated status of each sample
unit in the 1/4 subsample observed at time t+1,
and the 1/4 subsaaple observed at time t and
updated to time t+1 using equations (34) and
(36), could be updated to time t+2 using
Xt *2 = Pt Xtti + Po (1-Iui), (37)
var(lt« 2 ) = ft 2 var(At 4 l) + A 2 var(lt 4 l )+var( Ut 4 l).
These updated estimates from the 1/4 subsamples
observed at times t+1 and t might be directly
combined with those from the 1/4 subsample
observed at time t+2, using the composite method
in Section 5. The resulting stratum estimate at
time t+2 would include measurements from 3/4 of
the sample units.
The same method might be applied at time t+3 to
estimate stratum status using all sample units.
Most weight in the composite estimator would be
placed on the 1/4 subsample observed at time t+3
because a prediction model is not needed to
update estimated status of sample units within
this subsample, and there would be no prediction
errors; least weight would be placed on the
subsample observed at time t because their status
has not been directly observed for 4 time
periods, and variance from prediction errors in
updating estimated the status of the sample units
would be greatest for this 1/4 subsample.
7.3 Variance of prediction errors
Variance of prediction errors from the
deterministic model , i.e., var(Dt) = var(i/t4i) =
var(U), are needed in (36) and (38) to update
status estimates for sample units, which are
combined into an estimate for the stratum. The
variance of sampling errors from transition
probabilities estimated using permanent ground
plots (from other agencies or more detailed field
sampling within the same monitoring system) might
serve as initial estimates of prediction error
variance. Initial estimates of prediction error
variance for a process level landscape model
might be made with data used to fit the model.
These initial estimates are likely biased (i.e.,
too small) because the deterministic model is
extrapolated over time or space. Stratum
estimates from Section 7.2 can be compared to
independent stratum estimates from other
monitoring systems, and the adaptive methods
discussed in Section 6.1 used to refine estimates
of prediction error.
Direct estimates of prediction error variance
from the deterministic model would be available
through remote sensing of permanent sample units.
For example, new imagery is acquired at time t+4
for the same 1/4 sample observed at time t.
Misclassification bias in the estimated status of
each sample unit at time t+4 is corrected using
the calibration model in Section 3. A second
estimate of the status of each sample unit in the
1/4 subsample at time t+4 is available from the
deterministic prediction model, using the
observed status at time t as initial conditions
(Section 7.2). A sample estimate for variance of
prediction errors between times t and t+4 can be
made using the known differences between these
two estimates at time t+4 for each sample unit.
The remotely sensed estimate of these sample
units at time t+4 would then be used as new
initial conditions in the deterministic model to
predict status at time t+5 and later.
This requires matrix representation of the
statistical model, as in equation (25). The
matrix solution for estimating var(U) would be
complicated by covariances among prediction
errors, use of the same calibration model at
times t and t+4, or spatial autocorrelations.
Approximations might be needed, but verification
procedures introduced in Section 6.1 could
protect against unreliable approximations.
Each 40 km 2 sample unit may be considered a
sample of the surrounding 640 km 2 cell, with a
sample size of one. Estimates for aggregations
of cells might utilize composite estimation
(Section 5), treating the estimate for a 40 km 2
sample unit as an estimate of the entire 640 km 2
cell. This can reduce proliferation of
stratification criteria from the calibration
models and deterministic prediction models, and
use of ancillary estimates from independent
8.1 Combining independent ancillary estimates
Ancillary statistical estimates from independent
sources can improve efficiency and temporal
detail using composite estimation. For example,
the USDA Forest Service and the USDA Soil
Conservation Service both produce areal estimates
of the extent of forestlands for geographic areas
that might include one-hundred or more 640 km 2