shown that a similar approach can be applied
to yellowing cereals, resulting into the same
vegetation index. When satellite data are the
information source, atmospheric correction is
very important (Clevers, 1986, 1988b).
Attention will be paid also to this aspect of
a multitemporal analysis.
2.1 Introduction
Recently, Clevers (1988a, 1989) has described
a simplified, semi-empirical, reflectance
model for estimating LAI of a green canopy
(vegetative stage). In this model it is
assumed that in the multitemporal analysis
the soil type is given and soil moisture
content is the only varying property of the
soil. For estimating LAI a "corrected"
(adjusted) infrared reflectance factor was
calculated by subtracting the contribution of
the soil in line of sight from the measured
reflectance of the composite canopy-soil
scene. This corrected infrared reflectance
factor was ascertained as a weighted
difference between the measured infrared and
red reflectance factors (called WDVI =
weighted difference vegetation index),
assuming that the ratio between infrared and
red reflectances of bare soil is constant,
independent of soil moisture content (which
assumption is valid for many soil types).
Subsequently this WDVI was used for
estimating LAI according to the inverse of a
special case of the Mitscherlich function.
This function contains two parameters that
have to be estimated empirically from a
training set.
2.2 CLAIR model
The simplified reflectance model derived by
Clevers (1988a, 1989) consists out of two
steps. Firstly, the WDVI is calculated as:
WDVI = r ir - C.r r (1)
with r^ r = total measured near-infrared
reflectance factor
r r = total measured red reflectance
and C =
s, ir
= near-infrared reflectance factor
of the soil
= red reflectance factor of the
empirically from a training set, but they
have a physical interpretation (Clevers,
1988a). Equation (3) is the inverse of a
special case of the Mitscherlich function
(Mitscherlich, 1923). The combination of Eqs.
(1) and (3) is the simplified, semi-
empirical, reflectance model: CLAIR model
("Clevers Leaf Area Index by Reflectance"
The main assumption was that C is a
constant, meaning that the ratio of the
infrared and red reflectance of the soil is
independent of the soil moisture content. The
validity of this assumption for many soil
types is confirmed by results obtained by
e.g. Condit (1970) and Stoner et al. (1980).
For many soil types, there is only a slight
monotonie increase in reflectance with
increasing wavelength (e.g. Condit, 1970).
For application of Eq. (1) in estimating
LAI, a weighted difference between the
infrared and red reflectance must be
ascertained and then Eq. (3) must be used.
In this regard r^ in Eq. (3) will be the
asymptotically limiting value of the weighted
difference between infrared and red
reflectance at very high LAI.
The vegetation index derived in Eq. (1) is
similar to the Greenness of Kauth and Thomas
(1976) for the two-dimensional case (see
below), on the restriction that they used
digital numbers (not reflectance factors).
The assumption given in Eq. (2) describes a
soil line, which can be defined by the vector
(1,C) in a scatter plot of near-infrared
against red data. A two-dimensional
"greenness index" (in terms of the Greenness
of Kauth and Thomas) could be defined
orthogonal to this soil line:
greenness index = r^ r - C.r r .
This equals the WDVI in Eq. (1).
Moreover, the vegetation index derived in Eq.
(1) is also similar to the perpendicular
vegetation index of Richardson and Wiegand
(1977). By introducing the assumption
r s r = C in Eq. (2) , this means that
thé slope of the soil background line of
Richardson and Wiegand equals 1/C (red
against near-infrared plot). If it is assumed
that the intercept does not differ
statistically from zero, it can be shown
that PVI = (1/(C 2 +1)) 1//2 . (r ir -C.r r ),
with C being soil-specific. By working with
reflectance factors the ratio in Eq. (2)
appears to be constant, and so the intercept
is indeed zero. This PVI also equals the
above two-dimensional greenness index after
normalization, assuming there is just one C
Secondly, the relation between WDVI and LAI
is given by:
LAI = -1/a . ln(l - WDVI/r^ ^) (3)
The combination of Eqs. (1) and (3) is called
the semi-empirical reflectance model.
Parameters a and have to be estimated
3.1 Background
The described CLAIR model in section 2 is
based on reflectance factors. Thus, this
model is not directly applicable to satellite