The calculation of the indices 1 to 4
is straightforward and they are
The RIV and NDIV indices are amendments
of the well-known SR and ND. Their
construction was proposed to
investigate the information value of
the green waveband in a ratio index.
This choice is also to some extent
influenced by the work of Sellers
(1989), who suggested that ideally a
ratio VI should be close to 2. Hence
the replacement of R by the average
reflectance in the PAR wavelenghts
could yield values closer to 2.
In the formulae of SR and ND, R has
been replaced by (G+R)/2, which is the
closest approximation of PAR
reflectance with the data available.
The other indices included in this
study, PVI, TSAVI and Tasseled Cap-like
transformations are site-dependent, as
they include bare soil reflectance
components .
Calculation of PVI and TSAVI require
knowledge of the R and IR values for
bare soil.
R-IR data sets of
prepared by random
available CIR
Eventually 100 R-IR
obtained which allowed for the
construction of the soil line of the
test area. All soil moisture conditions
were covered in order to yield a valid
soil line.
bare soil were
sampling of all
data pairs were
5. Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI)
(Richardson and Wiegand 1977)
PVI = (-1.134 x R - IR - .674) / 1.319
6. Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation
Index (TSAVI) (Baret et al . 1989)
1.134 x (IR - 1.134 x R - .674)
(R + IR x 1.134 - .764)
Tasseled Cap-like transformations were
obtained according to a procedure for
calculation of coefficients of n-space
indices as proposed by Jackson (1983).
Only the linear combination
corresponding to the Tasseled Cap
'greenness' (Kauth and Thomas, cit.
Bariou et al. 1985) was retained.
7. Greenness (GRS)
GRS = -.183 * G - .723 * R + .665 * IR
In addition to the investigation of
several VI types, four types of
normalisation of the spectral data for
the effect of solar zenith angle (G)
were considered:
1. No correction, i.e. assuming that
the precaution of taking field
spectroscopic measurements close to
solar noon is sufficient ('nocor').
2. Blanket normalisation of all
vegetation indices by multiplication
with cos (G). This method is equivalent
to data normalization to a standard sun
elevation, such as implemented by
Pinter et al. (1983) and Tueller and
Oleson (1989) ('bcor').
3. Normalisation with cos (0) of
visible wavelength bands only,
considering experimental evidence that
IR reflectance is usually less
influenced by solar zenith angle than
reflectance in the visible wavebands,
especially in the case of incomplete
canopies (e.g. Ranson et al. 1985)
4. Normalisation of LAI with the cosine
of the solar zenith angle as proposed
by Wiegand and Hatfield (1988). Hence,
in contrast to alternatives 2. and 3.,
the causal variable in the LAI/VI
relationship is normalized ('lcor').
3.1. Model construction
The fact that different authors propose
different LAI/VI models for the same
crop leads to the assumption that
probably no unique index for all
locations or crops exist. A possible
explanation can be found in the use of
different field spectroscopy
instrumentation and the use of
different wavebands to construct a VI.
In addition, different sampling
procedures are prone to seriously
influence calibration relationships.
Linear empirical models have been
suggested to characterize the
relationship between winter wheat LAI
and Vi's (e.g. Hinzman et al. 1986,
Major et al. 1986).
However these authors based their
models on LAI data generally lower
than 3. Still, a linear model was found
to provide better estimates of spring
wheat LAI than a leaf area simulation
model (Kanemasu et al. 1985).
However, in search of a model type
describing the LAI-VI relationship, the
asymptotic behaviour between both
parameters cannot be ignored on
theoretical and experimental grounds
(e.g. Asrar et al. 1985).
Earlier proposed non-linear statistical
models include exponential regressions
(Hinzman et al. 1986) and second
degree polynomials (Bauer et al. 1981)
In addition, Asrar et al. (1985) and
Hatfield et al. (1985) showed that
empirical relations were different for
the pre- and post-senescence period. A
hysteresis-like functional relationship
should be assumed for the complete
growth cycle of winter wheat. This can
be explained by the fact that
radiation phenomena are different for
green and senescing canopies.
Adoption of a semi-deterministic model
can only be justified if a physical
relationship between a VI and LAI
An appropriate choice seems to be the
monomolecular curve (Hunt 1982)
formally expressed as