For comparison, a second eight-band data set was
generated from the spectral data using band
averaging to match the PMI spatial band set #3
(GEOBOTANY) given in Table 2. The GEOBOTANY band
set #3 is well positioned for crop discrimination.
The same feature selection criteria were applied
to this new data set for the same classes. The
best four-band subset was (1,4,5,6); that is,
491.42 nm, 675.75 nm, 708.26 nm, and 734.22 nm.
The maximum likelihood classification results for
each band combination selected by feature
selection are given in Table 3.
The classification results are also summarized in
Figure 6 for the two different data sets. It can
be seen that the weighted mean classification
accuracy using the GEOBOTANY data set varies
between 57.03 ± 10.59 (s.e.m.)% for the best one-
band subset (band 4, 675.75 nm) and 98.59 ± 0.45%
for the eight-band combination. For the band
moments the classification accuracy varied between
61.38 ± 12.49% for band 6 (skewness) and 99.41 ±
0.27% for all bands. With band moments, an
excellent result of 94.86 ± 1.74% was already
achieved with the three-band subset (1,7,8) where
(1) is the mean, (7) the kurtosis, and (8) the
band-concentrated moment. A similar accuracy
level was reached with the GEOBOTANY four-band
subset (1,4,5,6) leading to a result of 94.54 ±
1.50%. The band-moments method produces slightly
higher accuracies than the GEOBOTANY band set by
a margin up to 4% depending upon the different
band combinations. The standard error of the mean
classification accuracy is generally lower for the
band moments indicating slightly less confusion
between classes, especially between barley, wheat,
and fallow. Confusion between these three targets
was resolved for the four-band subset using the
band moments while for the corresponding GEOBOTANY
subset a 5% confusion with wheat and fallow
remains. These classification results are
promising for further application of the band-
moments analysis concept to other imaging spectro
meter data sets.
This paper describes the methodologies necessary
to bring the PMI data to an acceptable data
quality level for classification purposes, as well
as preliminary classification results.
Preprocessing steps include assessment and
correction techniques for bad data in the spectral
and spatial domains and radiometric alignment of
the five different PMI cameras. The camera
adjustment procedure involves a polynomial
regression approach which removes part of the
viewing angle effect. This effect is quite
substantial due to the large PMI scan angle range
of 75.5 degrees. Data variations within a
specific camera (a field of view of 14.5 degrees)
caused by the viewing angle and other sensor
related effects were encountered, especially in
camera 4. Future software development will take
this phenomenon into account. Further data
assessments with respect to noise and effective
wavelength position of the sensor indicate satis
factory results. The random noise shows, for
example, a signal-to-noise ratio of 600:1 for an
average signal level of 803.4 x 10 B W cm -2 nm 1
sr' 1 in band 247 (751.21 nm) for the different
cameras. The radiometric calibration data for
normalization purposes was found to be suspect
because of noise and the (erroneous) magnitude of
the calibration values.
Despite the problems encountered during the data
evaluation, preliminary classification results
involving data reduction techniques followed by
maximum likelihood classification are encouraging.
Band-moment analysis in the spectral domain and
band averaging to match the PMI spatial band set
GEOBOTANY were used to create two eight-band data
sets. Feature selection, with a branch and bound
algorithm, was applied to these data in order to
establish the best band subsets for the eight
classes considered. Similar classification
accuracies were achieved with both methods for the
agricultural data set considered. The best four-
band subset, consisting of the moments mean (1),
skewness (6), kurtosis (7), and band-concentrated
moment (8), resulted in an overall accuracy of 97%
compared to 95% for the best four-band GEOBOTANY
subset (1,4,5, and 6). Band-moment analysis is an
automated procedure for data reduction in order to
achieve similar classification results as with a
carefully selected band set derived from a
detailed spectroscopic analysis. Further inves
tigations will be concentrated on the application
of the band-moment analysis concept to other
imaging spectrometer data sets (e.g. AVIRIS),
multispectral imagers, and ground-based
spectrometer data involving not only agricultural
objects but also different forest types.
The authors would like to thank Dr. R. Buxton, L.
H. Gray, and R. Gordon from Moniteq Ltd. for their
technical advice with respect to PMI, as well as
Dr. K.I. Itten and P. Meyer from the University of
Zurich-Irchel for their support during the data
acquisition. The valuable discussions with Dr. P.
M. Teillet and the assistance of B. Thibault and
A. Boisvert in analyzing the data are gratefully
acknowledged. Our thanks go to A. Kalil for the
excellent typing of this manuscript.
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