Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

The Ramifications of Sampling Methods 
for Imaging Spectrometers 
J. Douglas Dunlop 1 & John R. Miller 2 
1. Earth Observations Laboratory, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science 
Department of Geography, University of Waterloo 
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3G1 
2. Department of Physics, York University 
Earth Observations Laboratory, Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science 
4700 Keele Street, North York, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3 
Imaging spectrometers are capable of generating data at 
prodigious rates which can exceed the bandwidth of either the 
recording device or the transmission channel. This is a direct 
result of the spectrometer's potential for collecting high 
resolution both spectrally and spatially, simultaneously. Some 
form of sampling is commonly employed to reduce the volume 
of data, but this can have profound effects on the information 
content of the resulting signal. This paper will discuss the 
ramifications of some of the methods of sampling typically 
used on spectrometer data, vis-à-vis the loss of information. 
It will also consider new methods of sampling which have the 
potential of preserving more of the generic information content 
of the data, independent of any specific application. 
Key Words: Fourier, imaging, spectrometers, sampling. 
The decade of the environment is upon us. To identify pollu 
tants and to monitor their effects it will become increasingly 
important to use sophisticated remote sensors. With its ability 
to measure the spectrum in contiguous bands for each pixel, 
the imaging spectrometer promises to become the preeminent 
environmental sensor of the 1990's. Before the end of this 
decade spacebome imaging spectrometers will become opera 
tional and the number of spectral bands that are available to the 
satellite data user will increase by over an order of magnitude 
from what is currently available. The wealth of data produced 
by an imaging spectrometer provides both an opportunity and 
a challenge. The opportunity is to more accurately monitor 
terrestrial processes by remote sensing than has previously 
been possible using multispectral scanners. The challenge is to 
effectively cope with the prodigious volume of data so that we 
might tap its wealth of information. 
For example the NASA imaging spectrometer HIRIS due for 
launch in 1996 is capable of generating 500 Mbits/s of data. 
Currently it is not technologically practical to continuously 
digitize, transmit and record at 500 Mbit/s data rates. 
Colvocoresses (1977) and Schowengerdt (1980) both 
suggested that perhaps a mixture of critically placed low 
spatial resolution narrow spectral bands and a single high 
spatial resolution band may be the optimal way to reduce the 
data rates with minimal information loss. The CASI 
instrument implements this strategy in what is called the track 
recovery channel (Babey & Anger, 1989). More commonly, 
imaging spectrometers (both CASI and FLI) utilize modes of 
operation which operate with either high spectral resolution or 
high spatial resolution, but not both simultaneously (Buxton, 
Each of the above represents a different sampling strategy, but 
other strategies are possible and may turn out to be more 
effective. What artifacts are introduced by the sampling 
process? This paper attempts to shed light on the ramifications 
of the various sampling procedures so as to provide insight 
that may allow improved analysis. Finally, an alternate 
method of sampling is suggested that might be more appro 
priate for imaging spectrometers due to the strongly correlated 
nature of the signals they produce. 
The list of known and planned spacebome imaging spectrom 
eters include HIRIS, HRIS, MODIS, and MERIS. Already in 
use as airborne systems are AVIRIS, ROSIS, AIS, FLI and 
CASI with the earliest flights dating back to 1983. Imaging 
spectrometers have high resolution in all domains; high spatial 
resolution, high spectral resolution and high radiometric 
resolution. The problem of how to effectively filter and reduce 
the volume of data and yet to retain the desired information has 
been considered in the context of multispectral imagery for 
many years. 
Image Sharpening 
A number of researchers have considered the problem of how 
to use information from a high spatial resolution band to 
sharpen the edges in other lower resolution bands. It was first 
suggested by Colvocoresses (1977) and first implemented 
when Schowengerdt (1980) presented his technique for 
restoring the high spatial frequency information to Landsat 
MSS imagery. 
Roller and Cox (1980) studied the possibility of improving 
classification accuracies and the interpretability of Landsat 
Multispectral Scanner (MSS) imagery by increasing its spatial 
resolution using Return Beam Vidicon (RBV) imagery. 
Hallada and Cox (1983) compared the methods of 
Schowengerdt with those of Roller and Cox using data from 
an airborne Daedalus 1260 multispectral line scanner. Hallada 
and Cox note that the combination of mixed spatial and 
spectral resolutions is very adaptable to the concept of imaging 
spectrometers. They state "On-board data compression would 
be a simple matter of integrating the signals across detectors in 
the spatial and/or spectral domains". 
Simard (1982) was first to propose that the SPOT 20 m multi 
spectral data could be sharpened by using the 10 m 
panchromatic band to modulate the brightness. Cliche et al. 
(1985) describe algorithms for integrating the SPOT panchro 
matic band with the multispectral bands to improve image 
sharpness to yield results resembling colour infrared 
Tom and Carlotto presented a Least Mean Squares (LMS) 
approach to edge sharpening (Tom et al., 1984). It relies on 
the fact "that at sufficiently small resolution multispectral 
bands are strongly correlated", so if the digital levels of the 
any two bands are plotted against each other in a scatterplot 
then all the data will fall approximately along a straight line 
Any particular spectral band will generally not be globally 
correlated with the reference band (or bands), so the regres 
sions are performed adaptively within a sliding window which 
moves across the image.

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