Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

There are also a variety of methods of 
representing features. Point and linear 
features are most commonly represented by 
one or more points; with implicit rules for 
joining the points to make lines. This is 
known as a vector technique. 
The most common type of line is defined 
by joining consecutive points in straight 
line segments. The variances in vector 
representations tend to centre around the 
means of storing their interrelation. 
There are several ways in which this can 
be done. Points may be stored in tables 
and identified by features. A series of 
points may be stored as a separate entity. 
Either case requires another series of tables 
or pointers to determine the 
interrelationship of features. 
While polygonal features are often 
similarly represented, polygonal covers 
tend to get separate attention due to then- 
prevalence and complexity. There are 
three commonly used techniques. The 
most intuitive technique represents a 
polygon’s position by identifying the lines 
that form its boundaries. A similar 
technique, more commonly used in 
analysis, stores the polygon’s position by 
associating the polygons to the left and 
right with each boundary line. One of the 
surface models is applicable, as a 
polygonal cover has properties in common 
with a surface. The raster technique 
provides a pointer to the containing 
polygon for each pixel. 
TINs require numerous positional 
coordinates and a series of pointers or 
tables in order to operate efficiently. 
There are many ways in which this can be 
done. Uncompressed tessellation models 
require large quantities of data. Common 
means of compressing this type of data are 
run-length encoding or quad-trees. 
While numerous data formats can be used, 
most of these formats either consist of, or 
can easily be translated into, some 
combination of: 
• points or lines represented as a 
series of points, 
• matrices of values, 
• non-graphic attributes, 
• and interrelationships between the 
Data Formats 
For each model, there are many storage 
formats. Most vector techniques including

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