Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

The design specifications of SICA take into account the basic flow of data 
and informations shown in Figure 1, and the above listed objectives. On 
this basis the design of SICA provides that: 
a) SICA should be able to accept data directly from computers, or 
in computer compatible storage devices (tapes, hard and floppy 
disks), as digital data in hard copy format (tables) or as 
graphs, as well as in the form of photographs or photographic 
satellite imagery; 
b) SICA should be able to store, process, retrieve, and communicate 
data to other computers, either directly or on tapes, hard 
disks, floppy disks; 
c) SICA should be able to display data and processed information in 
hard copy form as digital values, graphs, maps, and images, as 
well as computer related screens both monochromatically and in 
d) SICA should develop the capabilities in the following fields; 
programs for data quality control considering the specific 
requirements of topography and geodesy, vegetation and land 
use, and soil mapping and of meteorology, hydrology and 
water quality; 
programs for storing basic topographic and geodetic data, 
calculating, updating, and completing topographic maps of 
various scales; 
programs for updating topographic maps using aerial 
photography and satellite imagery;

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