Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements 
instrument : 
spectral range: 
spectral resolution: 
viewing angle: 
illumination angle: 
sample measurement: 
reference measurement: 
illumination source: 
Iris Mark IV Spectroradiometer 
double beam design for two targets: 
sample, reference 
0.49 - 2.50 pm, 
2nm at 0.49 - 1.06 pm 2xSi 
4nm at 1.04 - 1.88 pm 2xPbS 
6nm at 1.84 - 2.50 pm cooled 243 K 
30° Laboratory measurement 
3-5 continuous scans 
white standard, Halon G-80 
parallel to each sample scan, 
before and after sample change 
on the sample beam 
12 x 4 cm 2 
at 140 cm distance 
quartz-halogene 1000 W 
180 cm above sample 
Table 3 Measurement configuration and instrument data for the 
simulation of multispectral scanner data acquisition, 
nadir looking at noon 
The measurement configuration and the 
instrument for the simulation of 
multispectral scanner data 
acquisition, nadir looking at noon, 
is described in table 3. The high 
resolution spectral measurements were 
done in one continous scan. The 
spectra of the vegetation sample and 
the reference (white standard) were 
acquired simultaneously, such that 
variation in illumination intensity 
and spectrum can be corrected for 
automatically. The signal level was 
monitored for gain and scan time 
The two channels of data are both 
stored and recorded for later 
processing as two separate spectra 
calibrated for radiance, or as a 
single ratio spectrum calibrated in 
terms of percent reflectance. 
4 . Measurement results 
Reflectance of single and up to seven 
stacked branches of beech (fagus 
silvatica) and spruce (picea abies) 
was measured from 0.49 - 2.50 pm 
wavelength with the IRIS Mark IV 
spectroradiometer. Each sample was 
measured several times, 5 times in 
1988 and 3 times in 1989. For each 
measurement the branches were 
rearranged. For evaluation the mean 
values are presented. The background 
had an uniform reflectance of smaller 
than ten percent. 
In 1988 the measurements focused on 
the spectral signature of beech, for 
comparison spruce branches were 
measured in parallel. In 1989 the 
main objectiv was the measurement of 
the spectral signature of branches 
from damaged beech and spruce trees. 
When healthy beech branches were 
stacked, the most obvious change in 
reflection occurs in the infrared 
region (IR). Reflection increases 
with every additional branch and 
reaches the maximum with 5-7 
branches, see figure 1. Reflection is 
relatively unchanched in the visible 
(vis) and the water absorption region 
at 1900 nm. This is consistent with 
the interpretation, that pigments of 
the first surface layer determine the 
spectral response in this wavelength 
region. In the infrared reflection is 
influenced by the contribution of 
multiple transmitted and scattered 
radiation and water and/or carbon 
dioxide absorption. For the measuring 
configuration, as described before, 
optical thickness was reached for 5-7 
stacked branches. 
Figure 2 displays the reflectance of 
five stacked branches of beech with 
sun leaves (1), with shadow leaves 
(2), with discoloured leaves 
(yellowing) (3) and spruce (4). 
Differences in species and colour 
determine the course, mainly the 
level of the near infrared plateau, 
besides smaller variations in 
reflectance of sun leaves and shadow 
leaves of beech. The curves follow 
the general shape of spectral 
signature of green vegetation. In the 
visible the course of discoloured 
beech branches differs considerably 
from those of green beech. Yellowing 
produces a raise of reflectance in 
the green - red region, a red shift 
of the reflection peak of « 10 nm and 
a change of its course at the red 
edge, which can be attributed to a 
narrowing of the chlorophyll 
absorption near 680 nm. 
Figure 3 shows these effects clearly. 
Most prominent is the double peaked 
feature in the division spectrum of 
the yellowed beech sample. The first 
maximum is caused by the increase and 
red shift of the reflectance peak. 
The second maximum is situated in the 
red edge. It is caused by the earlier 

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