Tabic 3: Regression equations for the northern and southern quarter scene.
The standard errors of the coefficients arc between brackets.
xl = 2,681 + 0.014*yl - 0.018*y2 - 0.006*y3 - 0.036*y4
x2 = -2.238 +
+ 0.022* y2
+ 0.003*y3
+ 0.025 *y4
x3 = 0.564 +
+ 0.003*y2
+ 0.003*y3
+ 0.011 *y4
(n = 30)
xl = 2.962 +
+ 0.023*y2
+ 0.025*y3
+ 0.013*y4
x2 = -1.777 -
+ 0.025 *y2
+ 0.023*y3
+ 0.020*y4
x3 = -0.178 +
+ 0.002* y2
+ 0.002* y3
+ 0.007*y4
(n = 65)
xl = fraction
heather per pixel
yl = pixel
value band 3
x2 = fraction ;
grass per pixel
y2 = pixel
value band 4
x3 = fraction
bare soil per pixel
y3 = pixel
value band 5
y4 = pixel
value band 7
Using multivariate inverse linear regression it
is possible to calibrate Landsat TM images of
Dutch hcathland with ground cover data.
Three cover types were used: heather species,
grass species and bare soil. An important
Feature of the method is that ground elements
arc arranged in a linear array to enable the
localization of ground data in the image with
subpixel accuracy. This method yielded quan
titative cover predictions with an estimated
prediction error of +/- 15%.
In this study several cover types were com
bined to three main groups. An important
source of residual variance is the spectral
variability with the groups. Heather, for exam
ple, consists of two species in various life
stages, from young to dead plants. Redefinition
of these groups might reduce residual variance
and thus prediction error.
Further improvements could be made by
using a simple or stratified random sampling
method for selecting training pixels. In this
way, the conditions for applying regression
techniques arc more formally met.
Instead of linear arrays of ground elements
other set-ups could be used, in which the
elements arc not consecutive, but distributed
over the field. As long as the position of the
elements relative to each other is known, the
same optimization procedure that was applied
here could be used. When ground elements
are not consecutive, the possible negative
effects of spatial autocorrelation between the
elements are avoided. 690
Selecting pixels that contain only the cover
types under study out of the whole TM image
is a cumbersome procedure. Dutch heathlands
arc scattered over the country in a few big
and many small nature reserves. When the
measurements have to be carried out more
frequently, as in a monitoring system, the
location of relevant cover types should be
stored in a CHS. On aerial photographs is it
usually very easy to discern areas to which the
calibration models apply. Photo interpretation
could also be used to mark out objects within
heathlands that would increase the prediction
error, like roads, water bodies, and woodland.
To make the regression models comparable
in time, the images should be radiometricly
corrected to radiance or reflectance values.
Berdowski, 1987. The catastrophic death
of Calluna vulgaris in Dutch heathlands. The
sis, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Gates, C.E., 1979. Line transects and related
issues. In: Sampling Biological Populations,
edited by R.M. Cormack, G.P. Patil and D.S.
Robson (International Co-operative Publishing
House, Fairland, Maryland, USA).
Hcil, G.W., 1984. Nutrients and the species
composition of hcathland. Thesis, University of
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Lwin, T. and J.S. Maritz, 1982. An analysis of
the linear-calibration controversy from the
perspective of compound estimation. Techno-
metrics, 24: 235-242.