Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

generation satellites IRS-1C and ID, with improved spatial resolutions and extended 
spectral resolution, during 1993-94 and 1995-96 respectively. Large number of 
applications studies covering almost all the themes have indicated high quality of 
LISS-I and LISS-II imagery comparable and some times superior to contemporary 
sensors. IRS-1A offers as a good source of satellite data for complementory and 
supplementary use in various natural resources mapping and monitoring. The IRS-1A 
mission has become a major milestone in Indian Remote Sensing Programme which is 
aimed at providing operational remote sensing system for the country. 
Various case studies have clearly demonstrated that IRS-1A/LISS-I data can be 
operationally used in monitoring synoptic scale phenomena like flooding, 
deforestation, drought, cyclone damage and in thematic application such as 
estimation of acreage of monocropped regions, surface and ground water potential, 
land use/cover, forestry, soil etc. Further digital analysis of the LISS-II sensor 
permits inventory of multiple and fragmented crops, minitoring the urban sprawl, 
updating of small scale topographic maps, and land/water resources inventory at the 
district level at 1:50,000 scale. 
The authors express their thanks to Ms S Vanaja for secretarial assistance. 
Bhan S.K, P G Diwakar, K T Kannappan, TPS Vohra and K R S Varadan, 1989. 
"Abstracts of the proceedings of Regional Workshop on IRS-1A and its application 
potentials" held at Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. 
Department of Space, 1983, Proceedings of the National Seminar on "National Natural 
Resources Management System (NNRMS)" , Hyderabad, Vol I & II. 
Department of Space, 1988, Abstract of the proceedings of the National Seminar on" 
The IRS-1A Mission and its Application Potentials ", NRSA, Hyderabad. 
Department of Space, 1988A, "Remote Sensing Applications Using IRS-1A Data" IRS- 
UP/SAC/AD/SN/02/88, Ahmedabad 
Department of Space, 1988B, "The Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS-1A) Brochure, 
Bangalore, India. 
Department of Space, 1989, "Indian Remote Sensing Data Users Hand Book", DOS., 
Govt., of India Publication. 
Department of Space, 1989A, Manual of Nationwide landuse/landcover mapping using 
satellite imagery, Parts I & II. 
Dutt CBS, Masthan G B, Das R K and Padmavathi A S, 1988, Ibid, pp V-5 to V-6. 
Jadhav R N, Sarat Babu G V, Kavita Dwivedi, Kimothi M M, Thesia J K, Parishwad B S 
and Hullur G L 1988, Ibid, IV 39. 
Keshavaswamy K, Parthasarathi E V R, Das R K and Krishnanunni K, 1988,"Proceedings of 
National Seminar on IRS-1A Mission and its Application Potentials, pp IV-1 to IV-4". 
Krishnamurthy J, "Delineationof Deccan Trap outcrop extensions using satellite 
remote sensing technique in Lalitpur district, Uttar Pradesh, India", Int. J. Remote 
Sensing, 1990, Vol.II, No.2, 267-280. 
Manavalan P, Sathyanath P, Satyanarayana M and Rajagowda G L , 1990 "Capacity 
evaluation of the Malaprabha reservoir using digital analysis of satellite data", 
ISRO report, RC:BG:WR:001:90. 
Nayak S R, Gupta M C and Anjali Pandya, 1988, "Remote Sensing Applications Using 
IRS-1A Data", SAC, Ahmedabad. 
Parul Patel, Manal Chakravarthy, Murthy T V, Palria S, Singh T S and Tamilarasan V, 
1988 "Remote Sensing Applications Using IRS-1A Data", SAC report, pp 121-139. 
Rajashri V, Bothale, Raj J and Jagdeesh K M, 1988 Ibid, IV 4-8. 
Ravindran K V, 1988, Ibid, pp IV 55-57, Bhattacharya A, Kak S N, Das S K and Katti, 
V J, 1988, Ibid, pp IV 47-49. 
Ray P S, Rajamath P K, Vohra TPS and Diwakar P G,1988,Ibid IV 29-31. 
Srivastava R.K, Rana Y P, Naitani K K and Gairola B K, 1988, Ibid IV 11-12.

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