• The base vector b between the forward and aft views
of any specific ground feature is given by: b = pk—Pj-
• Anv specific ground feature (e.g. control point) is
represented by the vector g.
• The difference vector v between the sensor at some
instant (e.g. p) and a specific ground feature g is
given by v = g — p, where p may represent either
the position of the forward view pj or that of the aft
view pic.
The photogrammetric condition equations are de
scribed by:
Collinearity: For ground control points, the pointing
vector x (i.e. x is either x} or x*), must be collinear
with the corresponding sensor to ground feature dif
ference vector v. Another way of expressing this con
dition is to say that the vector cross product of the
two vectors is zero. This is a vector equation given
x x v = 0, (1)
where 0 denotes the null vector.
Coplanarity: For ground features of unknown coordi
nates which appear in two views, (also known as
stereo conjugate points) the coplanarity condition is
a statement of the fact that the vector triple product
of the two pointing vectors and the base vector be
tween the views has a value of zero. This is a scalar
equation given by
xj x Xk • b = 0
or d • b = 0, (2)
where d = Xj x x^-
Although Figure 1 illustrates the geometry for the case of
forward and aft looking channels, it should be noted that
any combination of forward, nadir and aft views may be
used in the analysis.
The objective of the photogrammetric solution which
utilizes these condition equations is to determine time
varying position correction terms identified as 6p(t) for
the data contained in the vectors p(t) and angle correc
tion terms identified as 6a(i) for the data in the vectors
a(t). There are several excellent references describing in
detail the nature of inertial navigation system errors, thus
no attempt will be made in this paper to show the deriva
tion of the error model (Britting, 1971, Broxmeyer, 1964).
Since the position errors inherent in the inertial naviga
tion system have very low rates of change and the time
periods of typical flight lines are relatively short, the po
sition correction term 8p(t) may be approximated by a
low order time-dependent polynomial, that is,
6p = 8po + <5pi< -|- 6p 2 i 2 + h 8p„t n , (3)
where the variable t represents time. It has been found
that for the majority of data sets evaluated to date at
CCRS, a value of 1 for n in the above equation is sufficient
to describe the position errors.
The attitude errors represent a hardware misalignment
between the inertial navigation system coordinate frame
and the sensor coordinate frame plus any angular drift
errors in the inertial system. The attitude errors could be
approximated in a similar manner to the position errors,
however that has not been necessary for the tests done to
date; a simple constant term 6ao has been sufficient.
Equations (1) and (2) contain non-linear functions of
the attitude angles dj and a* and thus linear approxima
tions to the equations must be derived in order to for
mulate a least-squares solution to solve for the required
correction terms. The linearization of the equations is
achieved by taking the first term of the Taylor Series ex
pansion of each equation. Since there are vector and ma
trix elements in the equations, the definitions of the dif
ferentials developed in the references (Gelb, 1974, p. 22
and Britting, 1971, p. 27) are very useful.
Note that in the equations that follow, an upper case
letter represents a skew-symmetric matrix containing the
elements of the vector defined by the same (lower case)
letter. That is,
’ v x
~ v y
for V =
v y
, then V =
-v z
. v v
-v x
The results from linearizing the Collinearity Condition,
Equation (1), assuming a first order position error model
from Equation (3) are given by
[X Xt VX]
<5 Pu
6 do
[x x v],
and for the Coplanarity Condition, Equation (2),
[o r
-ij) b'iXjXk-XkXj)]
[ b • cf].
( 5 )
In the equations above, the superscript symbol T on a
vector represents the transpose of that vector. Although
equations (4) and (5) above are derived for the case of a
single flight line, it is a simple matter to identify the cor
rection terms for each of several flight lines by means of an
additional subscript and to expand the set of equations to
accommodate the multiple flight lines in a simultaneous
solution. That is, the terms 6po,6pi and 6a<j in equations
(4) and (5) become 6po,-, Spu and Saoi where the subscript
i indicates which flight line the terms are associated with.
In this situation, the coefficients in the left-hand array in
equation (5) change form slightly. As mentioned previ
ously, these equations are then assembled into a larger
array in a least squares solution which is initialized at
some starting point and then iteratively adjusted using
the values computed for the correction terms.