Tank experiments for the fluorescence of phytoplankton
Peter Gcgc
DLR, Institute of Optoelectronics, 0-8031 Oberpfaffcnhofcn
In a tank experiment the changes of reflectance spectra around the fluorescence wavelength
of in vivo chlorophyll a at 685 nm have been studied for two different algae species. The
wavelength dependent, non-linear increase of the fluorescence intensity measured at increas
ing chlorophyll concentration was used to derive spectra of absorption and emission effi
ciencies. It was found that especially the fluorescence intensity depends considerably on algae
1. Introduction
Each method of human technique harnessing the sun power
is far away from the efficiency realized by the biological
method photosynthesis. Nevertheless, the photosynthetic
quantum efficiency is less than 100 % because of several loss
mechanisms in the complex reaction chain. A part of the lost
energy is emitted as fluorescence light. The wavelength of a
fluorescence peak is characteristic for the corresponding loss
mechanism. For photosynthesis, chlorophyll a is a "finger-
print-molecule", thus the chlorophyll-a-specific fluorescence
at 685 nm is a fingerprint for photosynthetic activities.
Because water is transparent for radiation in the visible, the
685 nm fluorescence is suited for chlorophyll monitoring in
the water as well as on the land [ESA86, Nev77, Gow81,
In remote sensing, the chlorophyll content in water was
estimated by the blue/green-ratio in the past, taking advan
tage of the different absorption coefficient of chlorophyll at
440 nm (blue) and 550 nm (green). If no particular sub
stances absorbing in these regions are dissolved, this method
is well suited (case-I-waters, i.e. usually open ocean areas).
But in many areas of interest (coastal zones, lakes), the water
color is dominated by sediments and yellow substances, so
that the blue/grecn-ratio is no longer a measure of chlorop
hyll. For these cases the characteristic 685 nm peak is the
only information for passive remote sensing which allows a
relatively exact estimate of chlorophyll contents.
The fluorescence peak shows a great variation in intensity.
Only when these variations are understood or at least quan
tified, an algorithm correlating the fluorescence intensity
with chlorophyll concentration can be applied. In the fol
lowing, experiments will be reported which were made to
investigate these variations by spectral measurements at dif
ferent algae species under controlled conditions.
2. Experimental
Three different algae cultures were cultivated in tanks. Two
cultures consisted of a single species (tank 1: Biddulphia
sinensis, tank 2: Prorocentrum micans), the third culture was
a mixture of several species living in the North Sea. In order
to have reproducible light conditions, the tanks were in an
artifically illuminated room.
After the tanks were filled with desalted seawater, the algae
as well as nutients were added. The algae growed about two
weeks, then nutients were exhausted, and the algae concen
tration decreased. After this, the tanks were cleaned and
filled again for a second period of observation.
Several biological parameters were measured periodically:
chlorophyll a, phaeophytin (both photometric), cell num
bers, scston, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, silicate.
The spectrometric measurements were made with a TRA-
COR Northern spectrometer. It disperses the light by a
grating on a 512-element silicium diode array which records
the spectrum from 398 to 811 nm, thus one diode integrates
over 0.8 nm. The spectral resolution is about 3-5 nm.
The spectrometer looked perpendicular to the water surface,
measuring it's light energy output (radiance). Since the
energy output depends on the energy input (irradiance),
which shows a great variation in nature, it is common prac
tice to normalize the radiance with the irradiance, that gives
the reflectance. Irradiance was measured by recording the
spectrum of the illuminating light reflected from a white card
(barium sulfate) which was inserted into the light path.
Cell Numbers (1/1) TANK 2
Figure 1: Chlorophyll concentration and Cell Numbers of Prorocentrum micans (tank 2) as a function of time.