4.3 Reabsorption
Figure 5 shows a pronounced difference in curvature for
detection wavelengths 68.5 nm and 710 nm. Since the devi
ation from linearity is a measure for reabsorption, Figure 5
proofs that the 685 nm radiation is much more reabsorbed
than the 710 nm radiation. The absorption coefficient of
pure water is greater at 710 nm than at 685 nm [Jer76], thus
this effect of reabsorption is caused by particular substances
dissolved in the water, probably by the algae themselves. If
the absorbers arc spherical, 11 is directly proportional to the
quantum efficiency for absorption Q a :
m ~ Qa('l) (2)
according to [Col85]. Q„ is the ratio of the energy absorbed
within the sphere to the radiant engergy impinging on its
geometrical cross-section [Mor81]. Thus the spectral
dependence of Q a can be obtained by plotting II versus 2. In
order to get a set of fit parameters a, II, every function
L1I(N) in the interval 670-730 nm has been fitted according
to equation (1). Figure 6 shows the curve 11(A).
According to equation (2), Figure 6 shows the function
Q„(A) in arbitary units. The solid line is a straight-line-fit. The
curves are different for the two algae species. They differ
from 12% at 675 nm to 45% at 700 nm.
4.4 Emission spectra
While the parameter H of equation (1) describes the
absorption spectrum, the parameter a describes the emission
spectrum. It can be shown [Gege90] that a is nearly pro
portional to the coefficient of fluorescence, O 0 (2), defined by
Gordon [Gor79] as the ratio of fluorescence radiation at
wavelength A to the irradiance impinging on a small volume
of the particle:
a(A) ~ <D 0 (A). (3)
Figure 7 shows this function.
The emission of light is described by a Lorentzian function
on the energy scale, thus the transformed a-values have been
fitted with a Lorentzian function. The results of this fit arc
listed in the following table.
Tank 1
Tank 2
r (nm)
Table: Parameters of the Lorentz fit of Figure 7. A 0 = wave
length of fluorescence emission, T = half width at half height,
f/F = relative intensity.
As Figure 2 already indicates, the tank 1 phyta emit at two
wavelengths (689 nm, 707 nm), while the tank 2 phyta emit
at one only (695 nm). Compared with the 689 nm peak of the
tank 1 phyta, the 707 nm peak is reduced in intensity by a
factor 2.9, the 695 nm peak of the tank 2 phyta by a factor
1.4. I he half width at half height is similar for all peaks.
4.5 Species dependence of fluorescence intensity
In section 4.3 the function 11(2) has been derived and in
section 4.4 the function a(A). Thus the functions 1,11(2,N) arc
known for the algae species in tanks 1 and 2, and the spe
cies-dependence of LII can be estimated. The difference in
LI 1 between the two species Biddulphia sinensis (tank 1) and
Procentrum micans (tank 2) at same concentrations illus
trates Figure 8.
Figure 8: Relative differences (in %) of the fluorescence
intensity LH between the two tanks. ALH = LHJLH 2 - 1;
the indices indicate the tank number.
As Figure 8 shows, the line height depends considerably on
algae species: differences in LII up to 90% were observed!
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