3.3 Discriminant analysis
A linear discriminant analysis will discriminate
81 % of the thinned stands, table 4. The analysis
is made with cross validation and with equal prior
probabilities. TM 1 did not contribute to the
discrimination and was therefore excluded. TM 7 is
by far the most important channel. It will alone
classify the population with a total proportion
correct of 0.88, compared to 0.91 when five
channels are used.
The discriminant analysis gives the following
optimal linear combination of differences from the
TM channels, for discrimination between thinned
and unthinned stands:
L = 2.40TM7+0.63TM5-0.16TM4+0.61TM3-1.61TM2
If L > -4.04, classify as thinned, else unthinned.
Table 4. Confusion matrix from discriminant
analysis between observations before and after
thinning, based on changes in TM channels
2,3, 4,5, 7.
Classified as :
True group :
not thinned
not thinned
Prop, correct
Total proportion correct classified : 0.91
Of the 12 misclassified observations, 6 are due
to that the thinnings have been classified 1 year
earlier in 3 stands. All the 5 misclassifications
in the un-thinned group belong to the first year
before the reported thinning. Thus, most of the
errors are probably due to that the cutting
started before the month reported.
The findings by Hame (1986), that thinning
cuttings on an average give increased response in
TM 3 and decreased in TM 4 are confirmed.
Moreover, an average increase of around 0.5 DN
was found in TM 1 and TM 2. Most important is an
increase of 4 DN in TM 5 and 2 DN in TM 7.
When more than 40 % of the forest is cut, the
radiance will increase quickly for most channels.
This is probably due to reduction of internal
shadows in the stand.
For the interval 20 % - 40 % thinning grade it is
not possible to explain the measured DN
differences as a function of differences in
thinning grade. One explanation might be that
factors causing increased and decreased radiance
in this interval balance each other.
The tree species composition of the stands has a
strong influence in the interval 20 - 50 %
thinning grade. Thinnings in pine forest give a
much higher DN response. The Pine has contrary to
Spruce and Birch, generally only the canopy on
the upper half of the stem. The response in the
near infrared light is naturally also affected by
the change in proportions of deciduous forest.
Examples of other factors that might cause
spectral differences between the thinnings are the
amount of logging roads, the field and bush
vegetation, the sun angle at the acquisition
after the thinning and the influence of mixels at
stand borders.
The possibility to separate thinned stands from
not thinned stands depends on how much the
variance of the residuals in the normally
developed stands can be reduced. This is a
function of:
- calibration methods,
- geometric errors,
- stand delineation procedures,
- season and time span between the registrations,
- technical quality of the satellite data,
- stand size.
Of these factors, the first three might be further
studied in this project. The calibration methods
applied here were straight forward. The results
might be tuned with e.g. the use of different
calibration functions for different types of
forest, and estimation of calibration functions
with multiple regression. In a operational system
must the geometric registration be automatic, and
carried out with sub-pixel accuracy, using
correlation techniques.
No attempt has been made to find automatically
and delineate the thinned stands. This might be
possible if the data are carefully treated
through all processing steps and standwise
segmentation techniques are used (Hagner 1990).
Another application of the results is in a
standwise monitoring system. The DN mean values
for previously mapped forestry compartments can be
yearly compared. In such a system digitally stored
map and register information will also contribute
in the calibration procedure (Olsson 1990).
To conclude, there is a possibility to develop
procedures for the detection, and maybe even for
mapping of thinnings with Landsat TM data. But the
data must be optimally treated for any chance of
success. For normal thinning grades, it will
probably not be possible to estimate the grade of
thinning. The changes caused by thinnings will
also be difficult to separate from changes caused
by various forest damages, as for example storm,
fungi or snow damages (Olsson 1989,1990).
This research was financed by the National Board
of Forestry. The Swedish Space Corporation
contributed with six geometrically precision
corrected Landsat TM scenes. The National Forest
Inventory contributed with the majority of the
field work, and with functions for calculation of
the forestry parameters. The work has been
inspired by discussions with, among others,
Professors, R. Sylwander, L. Bondesson, Dr. R.W.
Thomas and Mr 0. Hagner. The forestry company
MoDo, The Swedish Forest Service, and the County
forestry boards around Umeâ contributed with
information about thinning cuttings made by them.