Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

* 3 ] 
y s 
b \ 
b 2 
b 3 
- S sin 3 
_ C 1 
c 3j 
-S cos 0 
-.Ssin2^ siny 
Y s 
b 2 
b 3 
Scos 25 
_ C 1 
C 2 
c 3_ 
- S sin 2<5c cos / 
Where a, = cos cp cos k - sin cp sin co sin k 
a 2 =-cos (p sin re - sirup sin atcosK 
a 3 = -sin^cos<y 
6, = cosy; sin k 
¿3 = -siniy 
c, = sin^cos/c + COS $9 sin ¿y sin/c 
c 2 =- sin (p sin K + COS (p sin CO COS K 
c 3 = cos cp COS CO 
For conic scanner, a is the angle between scanner rotating axis and Y axis, P is the angle 
between the normal of mirror and scanner rotating axis. When a and p fixed, y and 8 can be 
obtained from following equations: 
r = tg 
sin p sin S 
(cos a sin p cos 3 - sin a cos p) 
V (2) 
S = cos 1 (sin a sin p cos 3 + cos a cos P) 
3.Positioning Accuracy of the System 
It is necessary to linearize Eqs(l) and Eqs(l.a) for practical operation. In Eqs(l) and Eqs(l.a), 
the parameters {X S ,Y S ,Z s ,(p,CO,K,S ,3) are observed values. We may substitute their values 
by their approximate values plus their corresponding increments 
(dX s , dY s , dz s ,d(p, dco, d/C, dS, d3). X, Y and Z are calculated coordinates from observed 
values of the system, and corrections dX, dY and dZ may be added with the substitution of X+dX, 
Y+dY and Z+dZ. Thus the general form of the error equations are:

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