1-4 Airport Data Basis for Tagsy-Guidance Systems (R. Bettermann and W.
Mohlenbrink, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
1- 5 Integrating Technologies: DGPS, Dead Reckoning and Map Matching (Tim Hailes,
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia)
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-17:00 Session 2: Mobile Mapping (2)
Session co-chairs: Chales Toth, The Ohio State University, USA
Jean-Marie Becker, National Land Survey, Sweden
2- 1 Concept of Processing Multiplatform and Multisensor Data (Ron Li, The Ohio state
University, USA)
2-2 Filter Algorithms for Optical Determination of Position and Attitude of the Mobile
Mapping System Kiss (H. Sternberg, University der Bundeswehr München,
2-3 Development of Integrated ROMDAS System for Mapping Road Center Line Using
Global Positioning System (Shanmugam Ganeshkumsr, Kiyoshi Honda and Shunji
Murai, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand)
2-4 Direct Platform Orientation in Aerial Surveying Practice (Dorota A. Grejner-
Brzezinska and Charles Toth, The Ohio State University, USA)
2-5 Towards Automated Processing of Mobile Mapping Image Sequences (C. Tao, M.
A. Chapman, N. El-Sheimy, and B. Chaplin, The University of Calgary, Canada)
17:00-18:30 Poster Session (1) on Airborne & Spaceborne Remote Sensing (JARS)
Session chair: Yoshiaki Honda, Chiba University, Japan
P1 -1 Generation of Digital Elevation Model Derived from JERS1 S AR Interferometry
(Mitsuharu Tokunaga, University of Tokyo, Japan)
P1 -2 Generalization Techniques for Layered Neural Network in the Classification of
Remotely Sensed Images (Eihan Shimizu, Morito Tsutsumi, Le Van Trung,
University of Tokyo, Japan)
Pl-3 The Cranes’ Nesting Analysis using GIS - Landscape Ecological Applications (Koichi
Hirata, Pasco Corporation, Japan)
PI-4 Interpretability of geographic information from high resolution satellite images
(Toshiaki Hashimoto, Chiba University, Japan)
PI-5 Reassessment of Todaro's Migration Model to Incorporate Socioeconomic and
Natural Resource Environment by Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case of
Thailand (Bhuwneshwar Prasad Sah, Eihan Shimizu, The University of Tokyo,
PI-6 Land Cover of Asia (TATEISHI, Ryutaro, Chiba University, Japan)
PI-7 Development of Drain Direction Model Using GTOPO30 and GIS Data Set (Shiro
Ochi and Ryosuke Shibasaki, Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
PI-8 The System of Automatic Mapping and Composite Process for Global Covered
Satellite Data (Koji Kajiwara, Toshiaki Hashimoto, Yoshiaki Honda, Chiba
University, Japan)