for the photo flights. The rotational offsets between the INS sen
sor axes and the camera coordinate system cannot be observed
via conventional survey methods. Therefore, these rotational off
set or misalignment angles between the INS and camera system
have to be determined with in-flight calibration using a small num
ber of tie and control points. Nevertheless, if there are no relative
movements between the different sensor components, these off
sets should remain constant for several survey campaigns. There
is some ongoing work to prove the stability of these displacements
over a longer period of time.
The quality of the integrated GPS/INS positions and attitudes is
highly correlated with the quality of the updating information from
GPS. Even though the INS informations can be used to bridge
short GPS outages or to detect small cycle slips of the carrier
phase measurements, the overall performance will degrade if the
GPS position and velocity update informations are of minor quality
for a longer time interval. The inertial data can only be used to
detect GPS short term failures. The correction of long term sys
tematic errors is not possible. Especially in case of photogram-
metric applications where the distance between remote and mas
ter receiver can be very large due to operational reasons, at least
constant offsets for GPS positions have to be expected resulting
from insufficient modeling of the atmospheric errors. Additionally,
errors might be introduced from incorrect datum parameters for
datum shift, remaining systematic effects from the imaging sensor
or - quite simple - erroneous reference coordinates of the mas
ter station. Within the standard approach of GPS supported aerial
triangulation these remaining systematic errors are introduced as
additional unknowns and compensated in the bundle block adjust
ment. Such an approach is not possible for the “simple” GPS/INS
integration using a Kalman filter, as far as no informations from
image space are used. In other words, every error that is not mod
eled in the dynamic model of the filter will introduce errors in the
georeferencing process.
Similar to GPS supported aerial triangulation an integrated ap
proach should be applied for the georeferencing of imagery by
combining and utilizing as many informations from different sen
sors as possible, i.e. GPS, INS, and informations from image
space. This approach should •
• enable a control of the georeferencing process by increasing
the reliability of the whole system.
• allow an operational processing in terms of
- the number of required tie and control points, which
should be less or equal compared to standard aerial
triangulation with full frame imagery.
- the potential of an automated processing.
• enable a self-calibration of the camera.
• provide a higher accuracy compared to direct georeferencing
by GPS/INS integration, particularly if only data for the single
image strips are available.
3.1 GPS/INS data processing
In contrary to the GPS/INS processing proposed i.e. by (Schwarz,
1995), (Skaloud, 1995), (Sherzinger, 1997) within the algorithm
presented here, no Kalman filter is used. Originally, this algorithm
was designed for processing of the data from the DPA sensor sys
tem - a three line push-broom scanner, that will be described in
more detail in section 5 -, where inertial data are available only
during the acquisition of image strips due to hardware restrictions.
The lack of a continuous INS data trajectory prevents the standard
Kalman approach starting with a static initial alignment for position
and attitude. Therefore, the initial alignment has to be done in
flight, during the motion of the aircraft. Usually, this in-flight align
ment is obtained from gyrocompassing (mainly for roll and pitch)
and the combination of GPS derived velocities to the inertial mea
surements during aircraft maneuvers, which are performed to pro
voke accelerations in all directions (mainly for heading). As there
are almost no accelerations during the image strips, this method
is not applicable to determine the initial attitudes, in especially the
heading angle.
Therefore the basic concept of the algorithm, which is presented in
figure 1 is as follows. First a strap-down INS mechanization is per
formed, which is supported by the GPS measurements. If there is
no additional information available the initial offsets (accelerometer
bias, gyro bias) of the inertial sensor are assumed to be zero for
the first mechanization step of the INS data. The initial position and
velocity are obtained from GPS. Assuming a normal flight, the ini
tial orientation of the system will be close to zero for the roll u> and
pitch angle ip. The initial heading k is obtained from GPS. Using
the estimated initial alignment and the sensor offsets, the mech
anization is done, whereas the INS derived positions are updated
via GPS at every GPS measurement epoch.
After integration the parameters of exterior orientation (position
Xi,Yi,Zi, attitude u>i, ipi, «¿) are available for every measurement
epoch i. The positioning accuracy is mainly dependent on the ac
curacy of the GPS .positioning. The attitudes are mainly corrupted
by a constant offset ojo,¥>o,«o due to the incorrect initial align
ment. Additionally, there are some drift errors wi,(pi,Ki caused
by remaining sensor offsets. These errors have to be determined
and corrected (equation 1) to obtain corrected attitudes u>i,<pi,Ri
and to get highest accuracies for the georeferencing.
U>i + UJO + U)\ -t
<Pi + <po + <Pi • t
Ki + KQ + Kl ■ t
Equation 1 is a simplification of the true error behaviour. Additional
errors introduced due to the correlations between the attitudes are
not considered here. The effects caused by correlations are de
scribed in section 4 in more detail. Nevertheless, applying this er
ror model in an iterative process of a combined aerial triangulation,
the best solution will be obtained after a few iteration steps.
In addition to the INS error terms, the orientations are affected by
the unknown misalignment Su, 5<p, 5k between the INS body b and
the image coordinate frame p.
3.2 Combined aerial triangulation
The general idea is to perform an aerotriangulation of imagery in
order to correct the position and attitude, which are provided from
the GPS/INS module. Similar to the approach proposed by (Gib
son, 1994), these terms contain INS error terms, as well as pa
rameters for system calibration resulting from the physical offsets
of the different sensors. Although the algorithmn was developed for
the evaluation of line scanner imagery, the data of traditional frame
sensors combined with a GPS/inertial module can be processed in
the same way.
Similar to the Kalman filter concept, the errors are grouped in an
error state vector. This vector includes the navigation errors, the
sensor noise terms and can be expanded by additional calibration
terms. After mechanization the error terms are updated using the
values estimated in the aerotriangulation step. Within this aerial
triangulation the photogrammetric coplanarity (relative orientation)
and collinearity (absolute orientation) are used for the estimation
of the error terms. For reasons of simplification and flexibility the
collinearity equation will be utilized in the following.
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