of E g is conducted in a hill climbing method.
Table 1. Line segment extraction is conducted using the Z-
Image without ground points. From Table 1, it is obvious
that line extraction of #0~#4 in both views has rather high
reliability, while #6,#7 in viewl and #4,#6,#8,#9 in view2
are wrong extractions. In Table 1, we can find unreliable
line segments always have larger values on o n or g d
than reliable ones, whereas there’s no obvious difference
in regression variance between good and poor extractions.
This means o n and o d has better performance in
characterizing the reliability of line parameter estimation.
Figure 3. Parameters that are involved in multiple views’
registration, v., v and v k stand for the viewpoints of
view #/, view #j and view #k. d ij is the distances between
V i and v . p is the angles from vy k to VVj. e u
is the angle from X-axis of view #i’s coordinate system to
V.V , a. is the angle from the X-axis of view #i’s
coordinate system to view #j’s.
In this section, we will discuss two sets of experiment
results. First, we will tabulate some of the results obtained
in registering two views of laser range image using Z-
Image to testify the méthodologie framework for pair-wise
registration. Secondly, we will discuss an experiment
where 29 views of overlapping laser range images are
registered to construct a spatial model for the buildings in
IIS, Univ. of Tokyo. The experiment aims at examine
robustness of pair-wise registration, and testifying the
efficiency of the method in solving the error accumulation
problem. Laser range images used in the experiment are
measured with the range of 360° in horizontal rotation
and 60° in vertical rotation, with the resolution of 2 sample
per horizontal degree and 1 sample per vertical degree.
Laser range measurement has an accuracy of ±5cm. In
order to examine the registration accuracy, each view
point has been measured manually using GPS. It has an
accuracy of ±10cm.
4.1 Experiment of registering two views of laser range
Figure 4 shows two views of laser range image, and the
Z-lmages generated with a resolution of 0.25m/pixel.
Reliability evaluation of line segments in view 1 is listed in
(a) view 1
Sf.- a'v .3
1 / •- - .
(b) view 2
Figure 4 Two views of laser range image and their Z-
Images. Left figures are laser range images shown in 3D
space, while right figures are the Z-lmages generated.
Line segments extracted are shown in left figures.
Characters stand for the sequential numbers.
In coarse matching, given a threshold (=2°) for the
maximum difference in intersection angle, a threshold
(=2pixel) for the maximum difference in distance, there are
totally 48 candidates obtained. All candidates are tried to
match the views. The one composed by Line segment
pairs (#2,#1) of viewl and (#0,#3) of view2 which yields
minimum distance measure is selected as the optimum.
To understand the distance measure defined in this
research, Table 2 and Table 3 list the results of some
major items when using the above candidate to match two