Imaging and
Figure 2. Overview of the approach
• Back projection of objects from a database onto images
• Verification of the existence of objects
• Multinocular line reconstruction for accurate object
The mobile mapping image sequences collected have been
georeferenced using GPS/INS positioning and photogrammetric
CCD calibration techniques. Consequently, the orientation and
position parameters for each camera exposure station are determined
with respect to a global coordinate system. For more detailed
information on image georeferencing methods, one can refer to
Schwarz and El-Sheimy (1996) and El-Sheimy (1996).
The mounting of the stereo cameras in the VISAT system
follows the way that the baseline is constrained approximately
to be parallel to the ground plane and the camera roll angle is
configured to be very small. As a result, the projections of 3-D
line features of the objects in images are also approximately
3.1 Detection of Vertical Edges
Edge magnitude and edge direction are two main components of an
image edge element. We firstly recognize from experiments that
information related to edge direction is valuable since the edge
magnitude is easily corrupted by noise and physical factors, such as
shadows. Therefore, the computed edge direction is used as the main
evidence for inference. In the following, a three-step algorithm to
determine vertical edges is described: (a) determination of the
existing region of possible edges; (b) determination of the existing
region of thinned edges; and (c) determination of the existing region
of vertically oriented edges.
3.1.1 Determination of the Existing Region of Possible Edges
We start with convolving an input image using the six directional
masks (Tao, 1997). After convolving the masks with the original
image, the magnitude of the convolved output and the direction of
the mask giving the highest output at each pixel are recorded as edge
data. A very small threshold is set in order that all possible edges are
detected in the edge existing region. The direction value is encoded
as 0 - 5 corresponding to the six directions previously defined. An
example of the obtained edge existing region is shown in Figure 3b.
3.1.2 Determination of the Existing Region of Thinned Edges
The thinning algorithm is designed as follows, where the obtained
direction values of edges are used to constrain the thinning
procedure: an edge element exists if the following two conditions are
The transportation objects to be examined are firstly queried from an
existing database. The position of the desired object is projected onto
the corresponding images using photogrammetric collinear
equations. A global coordinate system, i.e., UTM coordinate system,
is used during the projection. The normal speed of the mobile
mapping platform (van) is around 50-60 km per hour and the image
capture rate is about 0.4 second. As a result, an object is usually
visible in 3-4 image stereo pairs.
Due to the use of the prior information of the object position, the
approximate position of the object in the images is determined. Thus,
the processing window of the object in the images can be predicated
(shown in Figure 2). It is recognized that the use of this prior
information greatly simplifies the procedure of object detection, and
moreover, makes the processing results much reliable.
The module of verification of the existence of the objects is to
identify whether or not the object exists (or misses). It involves a
number of processing steps: detection of vertical edges, formation of
line segments and feature correspondence of line segments. Once the
existence of the object is verified, the module of multinocular line
reconstruction is executed to determine the accurate position of the
object, and then update the position information of the object in its
• the edge directions of the two horizontally neighboring pixels
are within one unit (45°) of that of the center pixel; and
• the output edge magnitude at the pixel is larger than the edge
magnitudes of its two neighbors in a direction normal to the
direction of this edge.
If the above two conditions are met, the two neighboring pixels are
disqualified from being candidates for edges. An example of edge
thinning is given in Figure 3c.
3.1.3 Determination of the Existing Region of Vertically
Oriented Edges
A further refinement is conducted using the accurate values of edge
direction. In this step, we use the Sobel gradient operator to compute
the direction values of the existing edges. Since a large amount of the
undesired edges have been screened out through the previous two
steps, the computation of edge gradients is only performed on a
small set of edges, and the savings on the computation time are
significant. After the computation of gradients, a rigorous tolerance
of direction value, 15°, is applied to filter out all unqualified edges.
The processing result after this step is illustrated in Figure 3d.