accuracy. In fact, an integrated DGPS/DR
system is an accurate and reliable positioning
system which can be used for vehicle
tracking and navigation purposes, see Mar and
Leu (1996).
3.2 Resulting System Model
For a vehicle moving at low speed, the
velocities can be considered as slowly-
varying or constant and therefore modeled by
lst-order Markov random processes..
Moreover, the dynamic model of the moving
vehicle is given by
p = v
v = -4-v + ti
where p is vehicle’s position, v is velocity of
the vehicle and 7] is a zero-mean Gaussian
white noise process. Let the integrated
DGPS/DR system be described by the
following state-space model:
vehicle’s position, (v x , v y ) is
vehicle’s velocity in the horizontal
plane, 8 tu is the GPS receiver clock
offset, 8 lru is the GPS receiver clock
offset drift, £ is the gyro drift rate
error and B is the odometer scale error.
The state matrix A(t) is a sparse matrix which
can be written:
A =
0 0
a 2 0
0 A 3
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
0 o -p v 0
0 0 0 -p v
0 1
x(t) - A • x{t) + w(t) (9)
x(t) = [x,y,v x ,v y ,8 m ,8 n ,e,B] T
and w(t) is assumed to be white measurment
noise. The components (x,y) denotes the
where fi v and fi GPS is time
correlation coefficients. The
measurement equation is written
p l m = R l +8 tu +V l (11)