Full text: Proceedings International Workshop on Mobile Mapping Technology

tion from the viewpoint of architecture design and learning para 
digm based on A1C. 
Concerning the architecture design, the size of network (the num 
ber of layers and nodes) and the type of activation functions are 
important factors. We proposed LNN architecture design based on 
the minimization of AIC. Concretely, different sized sets of LNN 
were trained with pruning, and the number of hidden nodes and 
the connections weights between nodes were determined based on 
the minimization of AIC. 
Once the architecture is fixed, the behavior of the trained model 
depends on the values of the connection weights. It is known, 
however, that AIC has a large variance, so that due to the limited 
number of training data and the presence of noise, over-training 
often presents problems. We introduced Tikhonov’s regulariza 
tion to overcome the problem of over-training. 
Finally, we designed an LNN classifier based on the proposed 
procedure and applied it to a land cover classification problem. 
Our experimental results illustrate the potential of the proposed 
design techniques. We believe that the insight gained from this 
study is complementary to a more general analysis for the gener 
alization of feed-forward layered neural networks based on infor 
mation statistics. 
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