In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
In: Wagner V
V. Bevilacqua ^ b , M. Caprioli c , M. Coltellino b , M. Giannini a,b ,G. Mastronardi a,b , V. Santarcangelo b
a DEE (Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica) Polytechnic of Bari
Via Orabona, 4-70125 Bari, Italy
b e.B.I.S. s.r.l. (electronic Business In Security) Spin-Off of Polytechnic of Bari
Via Pavoncelli, 139-70125 Bari, Italy
c DVT (Dipartimento di Vie e Trasporti) Polytechnic of Bari
Via Orabona, 4-70125 Bari, Italy
m. caprioli@poliba. it
KEY WORDS: CAD, 3D Geometrie Modelling, Image processing.
This paper represents a survey of the state of art reached in 3D Face Recognition frameworks and show some different approaches
developed and tested by its authors. We have designed a strong algorithm that is based on genetic algorithms, Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) and face geometry assumptions, for head pose normalization of 3D scanned face models. Experiments conducted on
the GavaDB database show a 100% success rate in correctly those models that “stare” at the camera (with a perfect alignment in 83%
of the cases). A previously developed algorithm for nose-tip detection based on an adapted Khoshelham GHT has been used to create
an automatic repere’s points detection system with the purpose of obtaining a biometric system for AFR (Automatic Face
Recognition) using 3D Face templates. Subsequently two different methodologies, based respectively on an unsupervised self
organizing neural network (SOM) and upon a graph matching, have been implemented to validate the performance of the new 3D
facial feature identification and localization algorithm. Experiments have been performed on a dataset of 23 3D faces acquired by a
3D laser camera at eBIS lab with pose and expression variations. Then an optimization of the search of the points ALS and ALD of
the nose and a new graph approach for the recognition base on several new points has been implemented. Experiments have been
performed on a dataset of 44 faces, acquired by a 3D laser camera at eBIS lab with pose and expression variations, scoring a result of
100% of recognition.
In Computer Vision object or shape detection in 2D/3D images
is very hard to solve because shapes can be subject to
translations, can change by color, can be subject to scale and
orientation, can endure occlusions and moreover data
acquisition can introduce high levels of noise. Always more and
more researchers work on 3D face processing including
modelling and recognition. Usually, a 3D face is a group of
high dimensional vectors of the x, y and z positions of the
vertexes of a face surface. Face recognition based on 3D has the
potential to overcome the challenging problems caused by the
expression, illumination variations. However, many 3D face
recognition approaches, especially the feature based ones
require a robust and accurate facial feature localization. To the
best of our knowledge, most of the methods do not use
benchmark datasets to evaluate their results. Romero et al.
presented the first work on benchmark datasets based on FRGC
database. They manually marked landmarks of eleven facial
features including nose tip and eye comers. With those marked
feature locations, the results of automatic feature identification
can be measured and evaluated. This paper focuses on a
different task and proposes two different steps where the former
concerns the automatic identification and localization of a 3D
Nose facial features, and the latter is the validation of the
correct data obtained by means two independent 3D face
recognition tasks. Experiments was performed by using an ASE
format dataset of 23 images acquired in by a 3D laser scanner
based on structured light with a resolution of 640 by 480. The
applied 3D reconstruction method is based on analysis of two
images, obtained illuminating sequentially the target surface,
with two sinusoidal fringe patterns shifted in phase by 180° and
the obtained data are a 3D clouds of point in ASE format. Due
to the short integration time, images may be acquired without
room darkening (normal ambient illumination). Optical
methods used for measurement of 3D geometry are based on
two general principles, one related to the almost direct
measurement/analysis of the light flight time (lidars,
interferometers and holography) and the second related to
geometrical triangulation. In the last group the viewing angles
of a point of the object can be calculated from its position in the
registered image/images or from the applied system settings
(scanning devices). Single image acquisition with a projected
fringe pattern of high spatial frequency is another kind of
compromise towards one-shot entire scene 3D photography.
This type of acquisition is usually related to the Fourier analysis
of the image. As the main drawback of this approach is its
sensitivity to the quality of the registered image (fringe pattern),
which directly influences the precision of the phase unwrapping
procedures as well as the final accuracy. Another weak point of
this method is its intrinsic low resolution and artefacts caused
by the extensive filtering applied in the spatial frequency
domain, and in particular, in zones close to the analyzed lobe
borders. As nose tip is the most prominent feature of the face,
most of the previous work perform nose tip detection and uses
the nose tip as the foundation to detect other features. However,
many previous facial feature identification algorithms use an
assumption that the nose is the closest point to the camera or
device which acquires the 3D data. Although this supposition is
true in most cases, there is no 100% guarantee due to the noise.
Various pose rotations and the complex situation of hair and
clothes could make some places closer than the nose. Some
algorithms make use of the corresponding 2D texture
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