Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Anna Brook, Eyal Ben-Dor 
Remote Sensing Laboratory, Tel-Aviv University, Israel 
Commission VI, WG VI/4 
KEY WORDS: Bore Sight, Dual pushbroom line-based hyperspectral sensors, Shadow Map, Stereo 3-D Map, Anomaly Detection 
The Dual push-broom line-based hyperspectral sensors combine two different instruments that are usually mount on the same 
optical bench. This configuration leads to problems such as co-registration of pixels and squint of the field of view known as 
boresight effect. Image orientation parameters and sensor boresight of any sensor during data acquisition became possible by a 
combination of an inertial measurement system (IMU) and GPS. The different position of the IMU, the GPS antenna and the 
imaging sensors, causes an orientation and boresight effect. Any small change in the correction of internal orientation affects the co 
registration between VNIR and SWIR region of hyperspectral images. Correcting the boresight effect is an almost automatically key 
mission taken by all Dual system users. This is because the boresight effect is considered as a noise in the system and a problem that 
needs to be corrected prior to any data analysis. We propose to use the boresight effect as a vehicle to monitor and detect some 
spectral phenomena in the image that can't be obtained in corrected images. The advantage of the sensors orientation and boresight 
effect was investigated based on the AISA-Dual sensor that combines EAGLE for the VIS-NIR (400-970nm) and HAWK for the 
SWIR (980-2450nm). An experience of more than six years with this sensor, we have found that the boresight effect have some 
positive outcomes on the analysis results of the hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) data. This led us to generate an HRS processing 
protocol where this effect is examined for gaining the most from the data. Three applications were investigated as follow: 1) 
enhancing shadowing effect, 2) generating a 3-D view, and 3) performing a better detection of boarder anomaly. We will 
demonstrate these three options and suggest a possible use of this idea from orbit. 
Hyperspectral imaging spectrometers produce data with 
high spectral resolution (in the range of 5 to 15 nm) and 
continues band configuration, giving processors the ability to 
detect subtle spectra features and defined chemical and 
physical properties of the sensed objects. This powerful 
capability is important for remote sensing applications e.g. 
geologic typing and surveying, agricultural monitoring and 
optimization, environmental damage assessment, forestry 
surveys, detection of man-made materials, etc. 
The determination of image orientation parameters of any 
sensor during data acquisition became possible by combined 
use of an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and GPS. In this 
integrated system, GPS antenna, IMU and imaging sensor are 
located different position in airborne carrier. Because of this 
reason, the displacement vectors between sensors have to be 
determined. Similarly, axes of the IMU and imaging sensor are 
not same and a miss-orientation matrix exists between them. 
System calibration is including both calibration of individual 
sensor and calibration between sensors. The IMU calibration for 
drifts and biases and the calibration of imaging sensor for 
interior orientation parameter are components of sensor 
calibration. Calibration between sensors contains the 
determination of a constant displacement vector between 
sensors and a constant miss-orientation matrix between IMU 
body frame and imaging sensor frame. The boresight 
misalignment, the relation between the IMU and the imaging 
sensor is determined by bundle block adjustment using a 
calibration flight. The small change of correction of interior 
orientation affects co-registration between sensors and thus 
hyperspectral images of VNIR and SWIR region. The 
processing step that can be applied to the data is 
georectification that collects generated (VNIR and SWIR) 
imagery and navigation data and automatically geo-locate and 
rectify pixel-by-pixel the image data. 
AISA-Dual is an airborne imaging spectrometer designed 
by Specim LTD, as a research sensor that capable of producing 
medial to high fidelity hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) data 
in the 400 to 2400 nm wavelength range. The system consists of 
a sensor head, containing a pair of co-boresighted grating 
spectrometers (VIS-NIR sensor EAGLE and SWIR sensor 
HAWK), two electronics racks, and a digital data recorder. It 
simultaneously acquires images in 198 contiguous spectral 
bands with spectral resolution in the range of 12nm in VNIR 
region, and 6nm in SWIR region. Each spectrometer consists of 
a set of refractive foreoptics that image the scene onto a slit. 
Light passing through the slit is dispersed perpendicular to the 
slit by a flat rating and then imaged onto a 2-D focal plane 
array. One dimension of the array along the slit provides spatial 
scene information. The second dimension of the array, along 
which the light from any given point in the slit has been 
dispersed, provides spectral information. An image is generated 
by moving the instrument across a scene in a push-broom 
fashion, perpendicularly to the instrument’s slits, and recording 
frames of spectral and spatial information detected by the VNIR 
and SWIR. The system is usually operated on aircraft at altitude 
of 10,000 ft that together with instant field of view (IFOV) of 1 
mrad provides a spatial resolution of 1.5 m. A standard AISA- 
Dual data set is a 3-D data cube in non-earth coordinate system. 
It has 286 pixels in the cross-track and hundreds of pixels in the 
along-track direction. The top-level performance requirements 
were for an instrument with fair signal to noise ratio (SNR), co 
registered spectral bands taken simultaneously by different 
detectors, accurate location for each pixel, and accurate 
radiometric calibration. 
* Anna Brook, the Remote and GIS Sensing Laboratory, Tel-Aviv University. Ramat Aviv P.O. Box 39040 Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, 
Tel: 972-3-6407049 Fax: 972-3-6406243 Email: anna.brook@gmail.com. 

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