Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
In this paper, we applied the model proposed in (Feitosa et al., 
2009) on a set of very high resolutionIKONOS II images of 
urban areas within the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 
The results are consistent with the ones presented in (Feitosa et 
al., 2009), where series of Landsat images over an agricultural 
area were subjected to multitemporal interpretation. 
The experiments results presented here and in (Feitosa et al., 
2009) indicate that the multitemporal classification design 
based on fuzzy Markov chains generally brings an accuracy 
gain in relation to the monotemporal approach. Furthermore, it 
has been shown that the more accurate the information coming 
from the earlier date, the higher is its contribution to the 
multitemporal classification performance. In fact, the fuzzy 
Markov chain method seem to be particularly beneficial 
whenever there is information regarding the earlier date (t) that 
is significantly more accurate than the available information 
about the later date (t+1). 
We should recall that the assumption underlying the proposed 
multitemporal classification model is the existence of a 
significant temporal correlation between the data sets. If an 
application does not meet this condition, the method is not 
expected to work properly at all. 
Future research should tackle a number of other important 
issues. Experiments should be performed with more time points. 
In this case, conditions on the length of the Markov chain could 
also be investigated. Broader series of experiments with other 
geographic regions and types of images should also be carried 
It would be also interesting to investigate other optimization 
algorithms, since genetic algorithms spend too much processing 
time and do not guarantee that the global optimum solution is 
found. A possible candidate for this optimization task could be 
some sort of least squares-based algorithm. 
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Monitoria Remota de Fragmentos Florestais e de Crescimento 
Urbano no Rio de Janeiro). 
(accessed 15 May 2010) 
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This work was supported by CNPq (Brazilian National Counsel 
of Technological and Scientific Development), FINEP 
(Brazilian Innovation Agency) and FAPERJ (Carlos Chagas 
Filho Research Support Agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro). 
We would also like to thank the Government of the State of Rio 
de Janeiro, Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente (SEA) for funding 
the PIMAR project. 
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Multitemporal fuzzy classification model based on class 
transition possibilities. ISPRS International Journal of 
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