Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Figure 7: Example of a histogram of retrieved soil moisture con 
tent (mUretr) 
mV ret r [vol%] 
5°r - 
10 ■ 
1 1 1 1 1 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
mv me as [vol%] 
Figure 8: Retrieved (mu re tr) versus measured soil moisture 
(mvmeas), the error bars represent IQR/1.35 
retrieved histograms. Furthermore a Nash-Sutcliffe model effi 
ciency (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) of 0.63 was found, indicating 
the model predicts much better than the mean value of the ob 
servations. It is furthermore observed that the uncertainty on the 
retrieved soil moisture contents increases with the soil moisture 
content, which is in accordance with the observations of Verhoest 
et al. (2007). 
This study presents a methodology that allows for the 
retrieval of soil moisture content and its uncertainty based on 
modeled roughness. Soil surface roughness, in terms of effective 
correlation length (Z e fr) is modeled based on its relationship with 
normalized backscatter coefficients (cr„). The uncertainty on the 
modeled correlation length / mo a is described by a t-distribution, 
which is then sampled following a Monte Carlo method. The 
randomly drawn values are propagated through the inversion of 
the IEM and a corresponding histogram of soil moisture contents 
is obtained. 
Results show that most of these histograms are skewed and non 
normal and that a representation of these histograms by means 
of the mean value and the standard deviation may lead to a dis 
torted view of the underlying distribution. This is particularly 
important when retrieved soil moisture content and correspond 
ing uncertainty (represented by the mean and standard deviation) 
are to be used in data assimilation schemes, such as the Ensemble 
Kalman filter, which rely on normality assumptions of the vari 
ables of interest. It would be better to apply the median value and 
converted IQR in the data assimilation framework. It is further 
more observed that the interquartile range changes with varying 
soil moisture conditions, larger interquartile ranges are obtained 
for higher soil moisture contents. 
Future research is required to test whether soil moisture content 
with a variable uncertainty has a large impact when used in a data 
assimilation framework. 
This work has been performed in the framework of the STEREO 
II project SR/00/100 “Hydrasens”, financed by the Belgian Sci 
ence Policy. RADARSAT-1 data was provided by the Canadian 
Space Agency (CSA) project DRU-10-02. Spanish Government’s 
project CGL2007-63453/HID is also acknowledged. 
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