Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
disc., stand 
£-NN, stand 
disc., segment 
&-NN, segment 
Table 6. Classification results of the discriminant analysis 
(disc.) and the &-NN method (£-NN) at the stand 
level, stand: stands as classification units, segment: 
segments as classification units. OA%: overall 
accuracy, OM%: omission error, CM%: commission 
A semi-automatic method for change detection in boreal forests 
using bi-temporal aerial photographs was developed. The 
photographs were taken as close to each other as possible with 
respect to time, date and location. The change detection was 
tested at the stand and segment levels. 
Considerable changes were classified, at best, without error. 
The results of moderate changes were also clearly better than 
achieved by some earlier studies (Saksa et al., 2003; Haapanen 
& Pekkarinen, 2000). The use of correlation coefficients for 
image matching at the stand level and in the classification 
together with other spectral features was considered to be the 
key element in obtaining the good results. 
The use of the &-NN method with multi-objective optimisation 
was also found to be very effective for detecting changes at the 
stand level. The large number of possible features in the 
distance function requires an efficient algorithm for determining 
the optimal formula of the distance function. Furthermore, the 
definition of the formula of the objective function is crucial for 
achieving the optimal solution. For example, when the Kappa 
value was the only objective variable in the optimisation, the 
Kappa value of the classification of the reference data was same 
as in the discriminant analysis. However, the classification 
results of the Moderate-change class were then considerably 
In practice, obtaining aerial photographs with the same spatial 
specification is not a problem. Nevertheless, in Finland, weather 
conditions limit the number of suitable days for aerial 
photography. Weather conditions may therefore complicate the 
acquisition of photographs with similar temporal specifications 
and thus limit the operational use of the method. In this study, 
photographs with similar specifications were obtained, which 
enabled an exploration of how reliable change detection is when 
using the bi-temporal aerial photographs in nearly optimal 
conditions. Even where bi-temporal aerial photographs are 
taken at identical locations, the time difference may play an 
essential role; the shadows of the treetops move several metres 
in a rather short time. If these shadows are captured in both 
images, on the ground or some other way, the rectification 
adjustment based on DNs correlations, might move the stands 
so that the shadows are matched. Thus, the real objects might 
not be matched in the best possible way and the classification 
results would then be questionable. The effect of shadow 
movement was also noticed in the study of Im and Jensen 
There are some issues that require further study. First, one 
image-pair may not be enough to cover the area of interest. The 
mosaicking of images introduces error, which must be 
quantified in further studies. Secondly, another source of error 
is the practical training data from operational databases, which 
as noted in this study, contain incorrect operations. Thirdly, the 
method studied should be tested with diverse image material, 
for example, with images taken with no-optimal image 
specifications and with images digital by origin. Fourthly, the 
use of texture features in the classification, together with stand 
level rectification, should be studied. Tuominen and Pekkarinen 
(2005) and Hyvönen and Anttila (2006) found that the use of 
textural features is advantageous in estimation and classification 
procedures. The effect of different methods of classification on 
the accuracy of the estimation should be studied. Heikkonen 
and Varjo (2004) found that nonparametric classification 
methods worked better than the parametric method tested here. 
With a maximum likelihood classifier there was a strong 
tendency to over classify the Moderate-change class, as was 
also the case in this study. 
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