Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Szekely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
Hyvonen, P., Pekkarinen, A. and Tuominen, S., 2005. Segment- 
level stand inventory for forest management. Scandinavian 
Journal of Forest Research, 20(1), pp. 75-84. 
Hyvonen, P. and Anttila, P., 2006. Change detection in boreal 
forests using bi-temporal aerial photographs. Silva Fennica, 
40(2), pp. 303-314. 
Im, J. and Jensen, J.R., 2005. A change detection model based 
on neighbourhood correlation image analysis and decision tree 
classification. Remote Sensing of Environment, 99(3), pp. 326- 
Kadmon, R. and Harari-Kremer, R., 1999. Studying Long-Term 
Vegetation Dynamics Using Digital Processing of Historical 
Aerial Photographs. Remote Sensing of Environment, 68(2), pp. 
Kuusela, K. and Salminen, S., 1969. The 5th national forest 
inventory in Finland. Communicationes Instituti Forestalis 
Fenniae, 69(4). 
Laine, J. and Vasander, H., 1993. Suotyypit 3rd ed. 
Kirjayhtyma, Helsinki. (In Finnish). 
Olsson, H., 1994. Changes in satellite measured reflectances 
caused by thinning cuttings in boreal forest. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 50(3), pp. 221-230. 
Saksa, T., Uuttera, J., Kolstrom, T., Lehikoinen, M., 
Pekkarinen, A. and Sarvi,V., 2003. Clear-cut detection in 
boreal forest aided by remote sensing. Scandinavian Journal of 
Forest Research, 18(6), pp. 537-546. 
Singh, A., 1989. Digital change detection techniques using 
remotely-sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 
10(6), pp. 989-1003. 
Stehman, V. and Czaplewski, R., 1998. Design and analysis for 
thematic map accuracy assessment: fundamental principles. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 64(3), pp. 331-344. 
Story, M. and Congalton, R.G., 1986. Accuracy assessment: A 
user’s perspective. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote 
Sensing, 52(3), pp. 397-399. 
Tuominen, S. and Pekkarinen, A., 2005. Performance of 
different spectral and textural aerial photograph features in 
multi-source forest inventory. Remote Sensing of Environment, 
94(2), pp. 256-268. 
Wilson, E. and Sader, S., 2002. Detection of forest harvest type 
using multiple dates of Landsat TM imagery. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 80(3), pp. 385-396. 
Yu, X., Hyyppa, J., Kaartinen, H. and Maltamo, M., 2004. 
Automatic detection of harvested trees and determination of 
forest growth using airborne laser scanning. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 90(4), pp. 451-462.

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