Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed abstracts (Part B)

In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B 
mode). SAR backscatter was only weakly correlated with 
soybean LAI. The highest correlations were reported at C-band 
(r=0.58-0.80). X-band backscatter was poorly correlated with 
both com and soybean LAI. 
The water cloud model was used to parameterize the 
relationship between LAI and soil moisture, and SAR 
backscatter at L- and C-band. The correlation between SAR 
backscatter and LAI didn’t show significant improvement 
following implementation of the model. Further research will 
couple soil moisture models and/or in situ network data with 
the water cloud model to improve parameterization of the 
contribution from the underlying soil. 
Baret, F. and Guyot, G., 1991. Potentials and limits of 
vegetation indices for LAI and APAR assessment. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 35(2-3): 161-173. 
Brown, L., Chen, J.M., Leblanc, S.G. and Cihlar, J., 2000. A 
Shortwave Infrared Modification to the Simple Ratio for LAI 
Retrieval in Boreal Forests: An Image and Model Analysis. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 71(1): 16-25. 
Chen, J.M. and Cihlar, J., 1996. Retrieving leaf area index of 
boreal conifer forests using Landsat TM images. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 55(2): 153-162. 
devers, J.G.P.W. and van Leeuwen, H.J.C., 1996. Combined 
use of optical and microwave remote sensing data for crop 
growth monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment, 56(1): 42- 
Ferrazzoli, P., Guerriero, L., Quesney, A., Taconet, O.A.T.O. 
and Wigneron, J.P.A.W.J.P., 1999. Investigating the capability 
of C-band radar to monitor wheat characteristics. In: L. 
Guerriero (Editor), IGARSS 1999,Processings of the 
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 
IEEE, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 723-725. 
Haboudane, D., Miller, J.R., Pattey, E., Zarco-Tejada, P.J. and 
Strachan, I.B., 2004. Hyperspectral vegetation indices and 
novel algorithms for predicting green LAI of crop canopies: 
Modeling and validation in the context of precision agriculture. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 90(3): 337-352. 
Liu, J. et al., 2009. Quantifying Crop Biomass Accumulation 
Using Multi-temporal Optical Remote Sensing Observations, 
Proceedings of the 30th Canada Symposium on Remote 
Sensing, Lethbridge, Alberta. 
McNaim, H.D., V; Mumaghan, K, 2002. The Sensitivity of C- 
Band Polarimetric SAR to Crop Condition, IGARSS 
2002,Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote 
Sensing Symposium. IEEE,, Toronto, Canada,, pp. 1471-1473. 
Prévôt, L., Champion, I. and Guyot, G., 1993. Estimating 
surface soil moisture and leaf area index of a wheat canopy 
using a dual-frequency (C and X bands) scatterometer. Remote 
Sensing of Environment, 46(3): 331-339. 
Taconet, O., Vidal-Madjar, D., Emblanch, C. and Normand, M., 
1996. Taking into account vegetation effects to estimate soil 
moisture from C-band radar measurements. Remote Sensing of 
Environment, 56(1): 52-56. 
Ulaby, F.T., Allen, C.T., Eger Iii, G. and Kanemasu, E., 1984. 
Relating the microwave backscattering coefficient to leaf area 
index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 14(1-3): 113-133.

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