In: Wagner W., Székely, B. (eds.): ISPRS TC VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS, Vienna, Austria, July 5-7, 2010, IAPRS, Vol. XXXVIII, Part 7B
Sugar beets (I)
Peas (II)
Radish (III)
Peas (after barley,
Winter rape (V)
Sunflower (VI)
Spring barley (after
sugar beets, VII)
Winter wheat (after
peas, VIII)
Spring barley (after
cereals, IX)
Winter wheat (after
In the case of normalized distance procedure application
the classifier calculated standard deviation for reflectance
values around the mean value and made contours of standard
deviations. The pixel is assigned to the closest category in
the form of standard deviations.
The maximum likelihood procedure is one of the most
sophisticated, and the most widely used classifier. The
classification assumes that the statistics for each class in each
band are normally distributed and calculates the probability
that a given pixel belongs to a specific class. Each pixel is
assigned to the class that has the highest probability.
Multiple schemes of image classification used in
environmental and agricultural mapping are either
traditionally statistical or heuristic (region growing, fuzzy
classification etc.) (Kovalevskaya and Pavlov, 2002).
Agricultural crops within the fields are not homogeneous
objects because of the spatial variability of soil quality and
soil moisture. In this research project we used the general
schemes of supervised image classification. Training sites
included only homogeneous areas within fields.
The final stage of the classification process usually
involves an accuracy assessment. There are several types of
accuracy assessments. Usually it is done by generating a
random set of locations in the field conditions to verify the
true land cover type. A simple value file is then made to
record the true land cover class for each of locations. This
values file is then used with the vector file of point locations
to create a raster image of the true classes found at the
locations examined. This raster image is then compared to
the classified map (Eastman, 2006).
The Kappa coefficient is another measure of the accuracy
of the classification. The coefficient is calculated by
multiplying the total number of pixels in the ground truth
classes by the sum of the confusion matrix diagonals,
subtracting the sum of the ground truth pixels in a class times
the sum of the classified pixels in that class summed over all
classes, and dividing by the total number of pixels squared
minus the sum of the ground truth pixels in that class times
the sum of the classified pixels in that class summed over all
classes. We used the Kappa coefficient to estimate the
accuracy of the classification and to evaluate the results of
applied methods of classification for each crop.
The error matrix produced was used to identify particular
crop types for which errors are in excess of that desired. The
information in the matrix about which crops are being
mistakenly included in a particular class (errors of
commission) and those that are being mistakenly excluded
(errors of omission) from that class can be used to refine the
classification approach.
Results showed that in May winter wheat and winter rape
had the highest value of Kappa coefficient compared to
another crops in the crop rotation (0.727 and 0.835). For the
other crops the very low to low level of aboveground
biomass is characterized. Radish can be recognized only
during this period because of the early harvesting. The
Kappa coefficient is 0.647.
Some fields in May are still bare and some crops have very low
aboveground biomass. Therefore, accuracy of the classified
fallow land is above 0.760.
Because of the weak biomass development for sugar beet, peas,
sunflower and spring barley in the second decade of June the
classification results shown that accuracy varied from 0.483 (sugar
beet) to 0.614 (sunflower) (Figure 4). Winter rape and winter
wheat had the higher value of Kappa coefficient (0.702 to 0.712)
compared to the other crops.
Spring barley is one of the main agricultural crops in Ukraine.
Results showed that accuracy assessment for this crop in June
varied from 0.445 to 0.633. The higher value has been obtained for
crop after the previous winter wheat.
—♦— Sugar beets I —■— Peas II —6— Radish III
Peas IV —*—Winter rape V —•—Sunflower VI
—i— Spring barley VII —-— Winter wheat VIII —™— Spring barley IX
—*— Winter wheat X
Figure 4. Accuracy assessment of the crop classification
Dense vegetation cover in July was mainly used to classify
winter wheat, spring barley and peas with high percentage of
identification (from 0.699 for winter wheat to 0.857 for spring
barley). Kappa coefficient varied for fields with peas from 0.703
to 0.839. It was related to different nitrogen fertilizer rate applied
under crops.
The overall accuracy for cereals and peas was 0.688, for the
other crops - 0.608. Low accuracies were obtained for sugar beet,
and sunflower. Because of the broad row-spacing and the within-
field heterogeneity of crop growth, there was reduced
classification accuracy.
It can be assumed that IRS-ID images acquired in three periods
were classified to determine seven different crops. The overall
accuracy for cereals and peas was 0.688 and for the other crops
was 0.608.
In comparison to the studies (Turker et al., 2005, Conrad et al.,
2010) the overall accuracy of classification was lower because of
heterogeneity of crops within some fields, differences in
agricultural technologies applied to the same group of crops,
spatial variability of soil nutrients and moisture.
Additional image acquisition and database development of
spectral signatures based on the results received within the
experimental stations using sensors with medium resolution can
provide images with lower spatial resolution to determine certain
crops within the larger territories.